Monday was a holiday, of course, so I didn't work on the career question, however today I did.
apel suggested delving into my feelings about why this is difficult, so I took a look at The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook and started working through the chapter on mistaken beliefs. I tried answering two questions.
Clearly certain beliefs hold me back from striving for what I want. I end up striving for what I think I can get. No wonder it doesn't excite me. None of this is new, but writing brings it into sharper focus.
1. What is it that I really want out of life? What would I attempt to do if I knew I could not fail?
I would love to travel the world exploring its greatest wildernesses and cities, experiencing different cultures. I would like to make a living from writing, particularly fiction novels and non-fiction articles about my experiences and the places I visit. I'd also like to express myself through music, photography and other visual art. I'd like to influence people to strive for a deeper cultural harmony with the Earth and nature.
2. Why don't I have these things?
- I can't make a living at most of these things.
- These goals involve personal risks I'm afraid to take.
- I'm too old to follow any of these dreams.
- I need more stability than this kind of life offers.
- I need a steady job to make ends meet.
- I can't afford to go back to school, travel or take time off to pursue any of these ideas.
- Anxiety and depression are a serious handicap.
- I don't have any ideas original enough to make it as an artist or writer.
- I'll be lonely if I pursue these dreams.
Another question comes to mind: how much do I substitute ambition for love?