Title: GacktJob Advent 2014 Day 10: Stealth Missions
Rating: 12
Band: GacktJob
Summary: This would be a disaster if he got caught, which was why Chachamaru was so determined not to be found out by his friends.
It was an undercover mission, the punishment for getting caught would be worse than death. He'd been forbidden from doing this. The consequences spelt out to him by both Gackt and You in so much detail he should have been too scared to try. It just showed how much he wanted this.
Chachamaru pulled up the collar of his coat and slipped into the shop, heading straight to his desired item and taking it to the till to pay. The sales girl smiled politely at him, though even she was judging his purchase choice. It wasn't that bad was it?
He was smiling as he walked out of the shop. He'd done it, he'd sneaked back to buy them without getting caught. He felt like how a ninja must feel after a successful mission. He had won. He was the victor. They were his!
“Sneaky bastard.” You swore at him breaking his smile. Perhaps he should have left self congratulation until he got back to the car? He hadn't expected You and Gackt to be waiting outside like this. Both annoyed at his betrayal.
“Seriously Cha, what are you thinking?” Gackt demanded grabbing the shopping bag and pulling out the shoes. Made from some kind of transparent jelly material, filled with glitter and about as stylish as a pair of crocs. Only without any signs that they would be comfortable to wear.
“I like them!” Chachamaru protested. “They'll go with my pink trousers. The ones with the white fur trim.”
“If you still owned pink trousers with white fur trim.” You agreed. “I think they had an accident.”
“You binned my trousers?” Chachamaru demanded, watching as the shoes were tossed into a nearby bin. Poor shoes, sharing the same fate as the trousers they would never meet.
“We do this to protect you.” Gackt reassured his friend. “Because we love you.”
“This is why you invited us to come shopping with you.” You reminded him. “To protect you from yourself.”
“But I really loved those shoes.” Chachamaru complained. He was heartbroken they had been forbidden to him.
“How about we go through the McDonald's drive through on the way home?” Gackt offered. With a sad smile Chachamaru agreed knowing this was Gackt's peace offering. His friends did care for him. Binning the shoes was just an act of tough love. One that he would appreciate sometime in the future. Just not right now.