Title: GacktJob Advent 2014 Day 11: The Line
Rating: PG
Band: GacktJob
Summary: Sharing a room with someone when you don't have a lot in common isn't the easiest thing in the room.
“This is the line.” Gackt explained as he gestured across the middle of the room he was being forced to share with You for the entire school year. It wasn't exactly going as well as he had hoped. “Anything of yours that ends on my side of it goes straight in the bin. Understand?”
“Understood.” You confirmed watching the other boy walk out of the room shaking his head. All this drama because a few pieces of clothing had crossed to Gackt's earlier. Gackt was hardly the ideal room mate. So stuck up, with strange sleeping pattens and an insane level of tidiness he had wanted You to keep to. In turn Gackt found You to be stubborn, arrogant and messy. Frustrated that You just couldn't be tidy Gackt had finally given in and divided the room in two. His side would be perfect, You could do whatever he wanted in his. He's ignore it, that wasn't part of his room.
Stretching You got up of his bed and stared at the pristine half of the room. He was angry at Gackt and the way he had spoken to him and wanted to make Gackt pay. He could hide something of Gackt's? Mess up his organised things? Reorder his entire bookcase from Gackt order to alphabetical?
Suddenly an idea dawned on him. It was perfect and enjoying himself too much he got his silent revenge before returning to his bed where he lay listening to music just waiting for Gackt to return.
It didn't take long, perhaps twenty minutes, before Gackt entered carrying a bag from the local shop. His eyes widened as he saw what You had done, anger battling with laughter inside him.
“You, what is this?” he demanded.
“You said you'd bin everything of my mine on your side of the room.” You reminded him. “So I filled it with everything I no longer want.”
“What the hell am I meant to do with you?” Gackt complained, laughter winning as he stared around the room. An empty tissue box on his bed, ripped jeans on his desk, six empty drinks cans stacked like a pyramid on the bedside table to name just a few of You's discarded items.
“Perhaps you should have just treated me with some respect?” You suggested.
“Perhaps I should have, and perhaps you should have been tidier?” Gackt replied with a smile. Perhaps You was someone he could grow to like after all? There was just something about him that Gackt couldn't help but admire.