BACC Week One: Boerio

May 18, 2015 10:21

Yes, I know, three posts in two days, I must be going crazy! I'm really loving this challenge though, its been lots of fun thus far. Anywho, its now time to meet the second settler of this challenge - Manno Boerio.

Manno here is lazy, childish and outgoing. His aspiration is to have a big happy family. Once again, I randomized everything including the name. I'll probably continue to do so for everyone in this challenge.

Manno started out with $7,000, and so didn't have nearly as nice a starter house as his fellow settler Shay.

I immediately set Manno to work on woodworking. It will be his main source of income for now, and he needs to reach level 10 handiness to lift the electronics and plumbing restrictions. So basically the first week of his life mostly revolved around the woodworking table.

Woodwork didn't really come naturally to Manno, so he read a book to up his skill.
Manno: So that's how you're supposed to use a hammer!

While taking a break from skilling Manno decided he wanted to introduce himself to this young lady. For some reason he decided on a rude introduction, so their relationship got off to a rough start.

Manno: Oh my eyes! I can't look at you you're so ugly!
He then preceded to insult her.

And now they dislike each other. For an outgoing sim you're not very good with people Manno.

Look, its Abeline Livingston! I put all the generation 3 and 4 Livingstons in the world as npc/townies.

I sent Manno over to say hi...

...and of course he's a jerk.
You're never going to find a spouse at this rate Manno, and you kind of need one around to help you make money.

Manno: I'm so tired out eating poorly made garden salad.
Well, until you get your cooking skill up, I don't trust you anywhere near a grill. We can't afford a fire right now.

Its nearly impossible to find any young women who are spouse material for Manno. The only women that ever show up in the neighbourhood are elders.

So Manno ends up spending all his time woodworking. Which I guess is good, in that it will up his handiness and hopefully we can get rid of that electronics and plumbing restriction.

A sampling of some of the things Manno has made. I've been selling everything and slowly saving up money.

I sent Manno to a different neighbourhood to look for women and he ran into Lysander. More importantly, that is an elligible young woman behind him.

Her name's Emily Albuquerque.
Manno: Do I have to talk to her?
If you ever want to get married - yes!

The next day Manno invited Emily to come over and visit.

I left Manno to his own free will to see how the hit it off naturally, and of course he was rude and made Emily mad.

I really wanted a second income though so I took over and smoothed things out.

Manno got into a flirty mood, so I figured it was time to act.

This is Manno's idea of a sexy pose. Emily seems to like it at least.

She liked it so much Manno got his first kiss!

Manno: Was that alright?

Emily: Yes! I kissed someone! And mom said I would died alone.

I'm quite pleased with Emily, I think she'll be a good addition to the family.

Then Manno had a wish to woohoo...

Emily left right after that.

She came back the next day though, became Manno's girlfriend and moved in.

Emily is creative, family-oriented, and a bookworm. Her aspiration is to become a renaissance sim.

The first thing she does upon becoming apart of the household is read a book. Of course.

Emily was a Senior Manager in the business career, so she had to quit her job. Its a shame, she had a great salary. That career hasn't been unlocked though.

Now Emily's going to be a painter. I'm hoping to open a store to sell her art, and unlock the painter career for her.

After being together a few days, both Emily and Manno wanted to get engaged.
Manno: Will you marry me Emily Albuquerque?

Emily: This is a really nice ring...of course I'll marry you!

They're a cute couple, I'm quite pleased!

Thats all for week one! I know these first two parts haven't been all that eventful, but its been mostly introductory. Things should get more interesting soon. I'm going to end the set of updates for each week with some stats, mostly just for myself to keep track. So, have some stats!

Week One Stats

Sim Multiplier: 1
Population: 3 (3)
Households: 2 (Charron & Boerio)
Community Lots: 0
Retail Lots: 0
Careers Unlocked: 0
Restrictions Lifted: 0

week 1, sims 4, bacc, boerio household

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