Tough call for most important issue, the tsunami suffering in Japan needs our most immediate attention, but the biggest long-term scare is what's going through the heads of the loonies running Iran. They're cranking up the Hidden Imam advertising, maybe they're counting down the days until they make a suicidal WMD attack on Israel
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I fear that you are probably right on almost all of it. The awakening/reckoning when the can CAN'T be kicked any further into the future will all the more painful for not taking any action now... and it would be plenty painful now (witness WI, which is going to look oh so mild when thing really hit home) compared to having had the sense to get started a long time ago.
You've got that right. If trends continue, almost everyone will be totally dependent on the government for their daily livelihood by the time the government runs out of money and credit. The farmers might make it through. Everyone in the cities can bend over and kiss their ass goodbye, because it'll be unstoppable riot time.
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