Star Trek TOS, episode 57: Elaan of Troyius

Oct 08, 2009 05:07

A.k.a. The Episode That Would Not End. I mean - what the fuck?

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fandom: star trek, medium: recap

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Comments 18

derien October 8 2009, 11:41:44 UTC
DERIEN: *chortles*



vail_kagami October 8 2009, 18:57:02 UTC
VAIL-KAGAMI: *is happy*


rose_cat October 8 2009, 12:05:53 UTC
Oh, I love these :) Hey! Can I get a side of misogyny with my manifest destiny? Seriously -- 1960s politics and society do not age well. Especially in Gene Roddenberry's supposed "Utopia" of the future.

Janice Rand disappeared without a word two seasons ago and we just generally pretend she never existed.

Awwwww :( It was nice of you to give her a mention.

ELAAN: The fact that one of the people I am shortly going to share a planet with is on this ship is causing me to behave like I was of
pre-school age.

PRE-SCHOOLS: *do not want her*

Who would? She was obnoxious, wasn't she?

RANDOM REDSHIRT: *is random* The captain and all the aliens yelling right beside me do not interest me enough to look their way.

You have to admire his concentration :) And random_redshirt would make a bitchin' LJ name...hey, it already is one!

KIRK: ...I will teach you about the rules and manners of his planet, despite having no clue what they are. I will therefore teach you ours and assume that they are basically all the same anyway.


ELAAN: *slaps ( ... )


vail_kagami October 8 2009, 19:05:24 UTC
The slapping was the best part of the episode. I mean, honestly, who watching the episode didn't want to do that?

Gamesters of Triskelion? Is that the one with the colourful talking brains and the Arena fights? Ugh... I can't promise that - it's so freaking awful I don't want to touch it with a ten foot pole. Also, no Bones = makes me sad. (Though, in this case maybe not.)
On the other hand, you're awesome, so I might do it for you.


rose_cat October 10 2009, 09:00:23 UTC
Awwwww :)


(The comment has been removed)

vail_kagami October 8 2009, 19:16:17 UTC
Wee! That makes me happy!


gritsinmisery October 8 2009, 14:04:08 UTC
Yay! That episode is soooo stupid, and totes deserved this most excellent sporking.


vail_kagami October 8 2009, 19:18:04 UTC
Funny, every time I'm doing a sporking, I think it'spretty awful this time. And this episode just wouldn't end. This twice as long as the other ones, and that's mainly because generally nothing at all happens. Not logical.

Anyway, I'm glad you liked it! I must do one of the eps you suggested next.


ali3nn3 October 9 2009, 15:09:49 UTC
Did I mention I LOVE your episode reviews? They are much better than some episodes themselves.

KIRK: Bones, state the obvious!
MCCOY: The redshirt is dead.

Love this. Bones does it so often that it really became ART. I saw the count somewhere, of the times he stated sbd dead, and I was like, huh?! I didnt even know they had so many redshirts on board...

Also beautiful part:
SPOCK: I have logic and ears. *is happy*

And the cherry on this cake:
KLINGON VESSEL: *looks phallic*

I SO thought the same when I saw it...

Thank you very very much :)


vail_kagami October 10 2009, 16:20:00 UTC
Really... what where they thinking when they designed those spaceship?

I'm happy you like these! There's more to come.


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