Star Trek TOS, Episode 18: Arena

Jan 26, 2014 19:17

CAPTAIN’S LOG: Stardate: Whatever. An outpost let us know that they are being destroyed. When we got there we got our asses blown up because they are being destroyed. Made sure to have at least one redshirt on landing party to draw fire, but still jumped through explosion because it makes me look manly. Spock had forgotten how to dialogue and Uhura ( Read more... )

fandom: star trek, community: genprompt-bingo, medium: recap

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Comments 12

evasearchin January 27 2014, 00:36:42 UTC
I've just read the beginning of this, its brilliant!
LOL at not calling up for injured person to be taken to sickbay, never paid attention to that so obvious a point before.

I'm savouring this, will come back to it at work, when I need something good to read.

Also you've mentioned this has taken you four years, not sure what prompted you or who you did it for, but I'm glad you've finished, its so funny!


vail_kagami January 27 2014, 05:55:00 UTC
Ah, heh, no, that's not what I meant. I didn't work on this one for four years, it just took me four years after finishing the last one to start the next. These are fun to make, but they are also incredibly annoying to make.

I hope you'll like it. There is so much crack in these episodes - sometimes literally. And Captain Kirk's decisions tend to be qustionable, RE: Injured person. :D


gritsinmisery January 27 2014, 13:19:26 UTC
GRITS: I have missed these! As usual, brilliant job. *is gobsmacked*

DAY: *is brightened*


vail_kagami January 27 2014, 17:04:34 UTC
ME: *is happy*

I'm so glad you still like them! :)


dieastra August 26 2015, 12:48:02 UTC
Hahaha that was awesome! And so true. Because of the awesomeness and manlyness of Captain Kirk we tend to overlook things.

I found you on AO3 and followed you here. I remember these kind of “breadbox” stories back from the Stargate fandom but haven’t read any in TOS yet (I’m very new to the fandom anyway). Can’t wait to read the rest!

Greetings from Dresden ;)


vail_kagami August 26 2015, 16:02:01 UTC
Ooh, Dresden! I've been there just this summer, with a friend from the States. Such a lovely city. :)

Glad you liked this!


dieastra August 26 2015, 19:55:58 UTC
Thank you! We are very proud of our city! I love living where other people come for a visit.
I have international visitors as well. If you haven't yet, you also need to go to Saxon Switzerland, just one hour by train away - beautiful landscape. I even took the Doctor there for a visit:

Dresden is also the reason why I was only now watching TOS for the first time in my life. You know, "Tal der Ahnungslosen" - no Western TV in my childhood in the Seventies. And later I was occupied first with Stargate and then Doctor Who and Torchwood. Can only do one fandom at a time.

So here I am, 40 years too late, and enjoying myself massively! But because so many fanfictions are about the new movies now, I searched specifically for TOS today, and that's how I found you. Hope you don't mind me exploring your journal a bit more thoroughly.


vail_kagami August 28 2015, 19:58:21 UTC
Those are beautiful pictures! Sadly, it's not one hour away from where I live. (For reference, getting to Dresden took us seven.)

I grew up with Star Trek, though more Next Generation. I didn't watch TOS until much later.

Never too late to join a fandom, especially if you were kept from it by a big fat wall and lack of western tv signals! It's just annoying if all the good stuff is down by the time you get there, and there's no new stuff to enjoy. I've been there. I am there right now, actually. I hope you find something you enjoy here.

Love your icon, by the way!


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