Merlin Fic: Through the Ashes (5/?)

Oct 13, 2010 17:52

Title: Through the Ashes (5/?)
Author: vail_kagami
Beta: nightrider101
Rating: PG
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Summary: It's been fortold that Arthur will return at a time when he is needed most. What Merlin needs most, right now, is for Arthur to remember who he is, and not to kill Merlin when he does.
Word count: 5324
Note: Well, better late than never... Damn, I'm sorry for ( Read more... )

fandom: merlin, medium: story, * story: through the ashes

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Comments 11

nightrider101 October 15 2010, 00:34:07 UTC
You know how much love I have for this story but it needs to be repeated. EPIC WIN!

For all your talents, you really do humor well.

“John,” Martin hissed, actually hissed, looking like an avenging angel from above.

I can picture this so easily! Hissing! Is bad I find that hot in an odd sort of way?

This whole part owned my soul: . Reached out a hand to cup his face and the magic rushed back as if it had never left. Was aware of the other in a way no words in any language could express, and so he knew it was okay when he leaned in and pressed his lips to Arthur’s. He didn’t think, couldn’t think, but he knew it was okay. Knew Arthur was surprised and lost and not thinking either. After a moment he started to return the kiss, awkward and inexperienced and almost shy, and that was when Merlin’s brain functions returned and he pulled away.I can't express how erotic the whole scene felt to me. I blame the return of Merlin's magic. I can see why he's freaked. I can really see by John is freaked ( ... )


vail_kagami October 15 2010, 02:54:12 UTC
So glad you still like it!

Well, no new chapter in sight. Too bad. I wonder what could be done about that? :P


zephyras13 January 17 2011, 16:18:06 UTC
Words cannot describe how much I love this fic! The suspense, the angst, the way John feels drawn to Merlin even though he doesn't know who he is, how he doesn't like Arthurian legend, it's just perfect! This entire story has a very natural feel to it, the complete randomness of their meeting and cohabitation just seems so right and I'm kinda loving the awkwardness that comes as a result of their age differences.

I really want to know what's going to happen next with the magic returning, but I'd also like to see John's backstory, why he's running around the world at 15/16 years old, why he has a gun, where his parents are, et cetera. Also, the beard, Merlin, why~? He needs to get rid of that. Merlin should just not have facial hair. Ever.

Anyway, you've done a great job so far, I especially liked all the pop culture references and Merlin buying THE internet, so please update soon!


vail_kagami January 18 2011, 00:34:26 UTC
Thank you very much for the comment! I didn't think anyone was reading this anymore.

This is an incredibly fun story to write. I'm really glad you like it!


dudly_lajoie January 25 2011, 01:08:21 UTC
Heyy~ stumbled on your fic while browsing links on, and I have to say, I'm quite curious as to how the potential you've shown us is going to develop. I find myself liking this story and being slightly anxious to see things unravel.

And Sasher. That's the dragon, right? XD It has to be. Cryptic, amused at Merlin's expense, possibly require him to sacrifice something (someone?)he cares a great deal about and dismissing him easily once he's done~

Yeah. So, I must ask, because this isn't ffnet and I can't just put this on story alert-- do you have any plans of updating this in the near future?

thank you, and good job there. :)


vail_kagami January 25 2011, 01:19:10 UTC
I absolutely plan to continue this. I'm not very invested in the fandom at the moment, but this is a story I han work on even while totally being into something else, which is handy.

But at the present time, I've commited to two Big Bangs which have to be written first. Also, I have an agreement with another writer: she gets one more chapter of this when I get one more chapter of one of her stories. So far she hasn't delievered. (But if I grow too impatient, I might write this anyway.

Having said that, I'm glad you like this! Thanks for the comment!


(The comment has been removed)

vail_kagami April 18 2011, 16:39:21 UTC
Don't worry - I have this story planne dout in detail and would be annoyed with myself if I never got around to telling it. At the moment, and for another few months, both me and my beta are completely buried under a pile of work and deadlines. Sorry. I'll continue this in Summer.

Anyway, I'm happy you like it! Thanks for the comment!


linnet_melody June 28 2011, 01:49:40 UTC
This is so stirring and gorgeous. And cliffhanger-y! I am loving it, and hope that a new chapter comes soon!



vail_kagami June 29 2011, 02:35:18 UTC
So do I. This project is put on hold until I finished a couple of fics with deadline, but after that it's on top of the to-do list.

I'm happy you like it!


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