SPN Fic: Turn Your Back

Aug 05, 2011 17:35

Title: Turn Your Back
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Castiel, Dean, Sam
Rating: PG
Warning: references to torture
Spoilers: Post 6.22
Words: 625
Summary: Castiel is a God now, and as such he has to go through with this treats.
Note: Written by brokenangel6662's prompt at the recent ohsam commentfic-meme.
Note 2: I fail at epical levels. The summary previously posted belonged to another fic. I'm very sorry about that.

When Castiel broke the wall in Sam’s mind he caught a look (a brief glimpse, like a flashlight beam running over monsters in the dark) of the things it held back. Not enough to understand, but enough to understand better than anyone else why Sam is currently screaming and trying to claw his own eyes out. Dean doesn’t understand. He thinks he does, with all the things that were done to him in hell, but his hell wasn’t like Sam’s hell and his guess isn’t even close.

Holding Sam close, soothing and comforting him isn’t going to work. It only makes things worse because they (Michael more than Lucifer) used to do it so often wearing Dean’s form. (Made Sam believe he was back, then bit his neck and ate him.) So right now Dean isn’t pulling his brother out of hell, he’s pushing him deeper in with every gentle touch, every whispered comfort.

Castiel could tell him, but he doesn’t. Dean doesn’t even know he’s here, and even Castiel with all that new power at his command cannot tell if it is a coincidence that Sam screams harder whenever his wild eyes happen to stray in his direction. Maybe he sees him and remembers what Castiel did to him. (Castiel is sorry, he is, but he would do it again.) Maybe he senses the angel Castiel once were and it plays into his nightmare of being in the cage.

Either way, Castiel is not helping him by being here. He could help by telling Dean he’s getting it all wrong but he doesn’t because Dean wouldn’t listen. He could help by fixing the wall but he won’t. This is Dean’s punishment. Castiel promised to save Sam if Dean refrained from getting in Castiel’s way, but Dean didn’t and Castiel had to kill an old friend because of him. As God he represents authority. He has to be feared as much as loved, and his threats would be meaningless if he didn’t follow through with them. So he doesn’t save Sam even though he could.

Even though Dean will not learn anything from it but hatred.

Sam wails and claws at his arms. It is better than his eyes and Dean doesn’t stop him. Perhaps he believes the pain will ground his brother like it sometimes grounds him. He is, once again, wrong. Sam doesn’t even realise he’s doing it and the pain he does feel is all consuming.
Dean’s hold is restraining and keeps Sam from causing himself grave injury. It is the only thing Dean is doing right.

But Castiel doesn’t tell him.

He walks around the bed they are sitting on and maybe Sam is following him with his eyes. Maybe he’s trying to get away when Castiel steps closer. Dean is holding him tight and it’s impossible to say.

When Castiel touches Sam’s forehead, the boy falls silent. Dean panics for a second, until he realises his brother is breathing, has only passed out. His shoulders sag in relief, for one reason or both.

Castiel watches as Dean wipes the tears off his own face and then his brother’s before tugging Sam into bed. He didn’t fix anything, so it was excusable to do this. When Sam wakes up, he will still be broken. Dean will still have to watch him suffer for the brief rest of his life. All Castiel did was give them a break that will pass soon enough and be forgotten the next time Sam slips back into the cage. There was no real point to it. Castiel is not sure why he even bothered.

The new God waits until Dean curls up beside his brother and drifts off to sleep before returning to heaven and the new paradise he created.

fandom: supernatural, medium: story, prompt fill

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