comment fic meme!

Aug 02, 2011 01:56

Following the results of the poll we took last month (don't make it easy on us or anything, guys, haha!), we've decided to hold a comment fic meme once every three months. This gives everyone time to write and prompt to their heart's content, and allows us mods to keep up with y'all. And we're starting right now!

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&comment-fic meme

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Agh! Another one! brokenangel6662 August 2 2011, 14:56:12 UTC
From Cas's POV. Post 6x22. During one of Sam's worst breaks, Dean clings to his brother in just another cheap motel room that make up their lives. He holds Sam and whispers and tries to soothe him, desperation radiating off him as Sam gets worse.

Unseen, Castiel watches the two people who'd called him family. He either doesn't know why he feels compelled to watch them suffer like this or realizes he still feels something for them (love/remorse). Would prefer no romantic attachments.


Re: Agh! Another one! quickreaver August 2 2011, 15:26:52 UTC
Awwww, this one is making me teary just imagining it!


FILLED: Turn Your Back (1/1) vail_kagami August 3 2011, 11:53:10 UTC
When Castiel broke the wall in Sam’s mind he caught a look (a brief glimpse, like a flashlight beam running over monsters in the dark) of the things it held back. Not enough to understand, but enough to understand better than anyone else why Sam is currently screaming and trying to claw his own eyes out. Dean doesn’t understand. He thinks he does, with all the things that were done to him in hell, but his hell wasn’t like Sam’s hell and his guess isn’t even close ( ... )


Re: FILLED: Turn Your Back (1/1) 4422shini August 3 2011, 15:57:50 UTC
oooooooooh awesome! I like your Castiel's POV.


Re: FILLED: Turn Your Back (1/1) vail_kagami August 3 2011, 16:33:56 UTC
Thank you!


Re: FILLED: Turn Your Back (1/1) greeneyes_fan August 3 2011, 16:56:55 UTC
Oh, boys. This is just so STARK


Re: FILLED: Turn Your Back (1/1) vail_kagami August 3 2011, 17:58:12 UTC
Thank you!
Not like I have time for indulging in non-deadline writing. Fortunately, boring day at work was boring.


Re: FILLED: Turn Your Back (1/1) quickreaver August 4 2011, 05:13:48 UTC
*shakes fist as Castiel* BAD god! BAD! (But very well written! So take THAT, Cas. Ha!)


Re: FILLED: Turn Your Back (1/1) vail_kagami August 4 2011, 21:51:06 UTC
We shall punish Cas with good writing! That's an awesome plan!


Re: FILLED: Turn Your Back (1/1) brokenangel6662 August 4 2011, 08:23:38 UTC
Oh so heartbreaking, but a wonderful fill ^_^


Re: FILLED: Turn Your Back (1/1) vail_kagami August 4 2011, 21:51:56 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you like it!


Re: FILLED: Turn Your Back (1/1) marziebarz August 4 2011, 08:41:46 UTC
Oh, lordy...this is just perfect, absolutely perfect. Because in a twisted way, Castiel's reasoning makes sense, and its so Cas but at the same time its NOT. This is absolutely fantastic and is kind of leaning towards becoming head-canon for me.

Dean will still have to watch him suffer for the brief rest of his life.

This line completely broke my heart in so many ways, but especially the back half of it. Because nevermind how strong Sam is; its really a miracle he's survived everything thats happened to him this long, there is no way on Earth he is going to live much longer.

HEartbreaking but perfect and beautiful. I love this.


Re: FILLED: Turn Your Back (1/1) vail_kagami August 4 2011, 21:53:27 UTC
Seriously, sometimes I'm convinced Sam's life expectancy depends on how mayn seasons are left. At this point I don't see him getting out of there alive.

Thank you so much for the comment!


Re: FILLED: Turn Your Back (1/1) sinka August 4 2011, 18:20:56 UTC
*wipes tears* You are a damn genious, you know that? I know you must.

Castiel is sorry, he is, but he would do it again. <-- This sentence just gave me the creeps. It perfectly defines everything Cas became at the end of Season 6... He's cold and detached, but yet maybe somewhere in there our beloved Castiel is buried.

Surprisingly, Dean broke my heart even more than Sam in this. Trying to help Sam and unknowingly making him relive his hell even more strongly. His desperation when he cannot calm down his little brother as he probably did countless times in the past...

No foreseable happy ending for them, huh? As usual, this fic is painful perfection.


Re: FILLED: Turn Your Back (1/1) vail_kagami August 4 2011, 21:55:19 UTC
Thank you very much, as always!
Their situation sucks on all ends. I wouldn't want to trade places with Dean either. Sometimes it's worse being the one who has to watch.


Re: FILLED: Turn Your Back (1/1) de_nugis August 5 2011, 01:04:51 UTC
That's a chillingly effective and complex Cas POV you've got going there. The way he understands his own ruthlessness and is puzzled by his impulses towards compassion, and the way he understands Sam's pain as cold data so much better than Dean does but without any of the desperate caring that's the only thing Dean can really bring to the situation. Very bleak, but beautifully written.


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