Chapter 19.1: Kiss Me at Midnight

Jul 04, 2007 19:41

Authors' Note: This chapter includes a soundtrack, with links to the songs found here. We suggest starting to listen when you see the first lyric at the beginning of the chapter. The length is designed to include all the songs that play during their foray at the club, courtesy of DJ V, though not all songs are mentioned.

The Seventh Date

The seventh date will take place Sunday, the 31st of December. Be ready at eight o' clock, precisely. Dress for a night on the town, but don't forget your cuffs. You needn't eat beforehand, unless you need a snack. I'll expect you to have a condom and lube somewhere on your person. Wear shoes that are at least relatively comfortable. Don't drink any alcohol during the day. Remember, this evening will be all for you--but after midnight will be for me. You will receive further instructions when I arrive.


Those were the contents of the email Dom had received Saturday, after having only been staying at his own flat for two nights since the whole illness debacle. Fortunately, Billy's fever had broken in the night after Christmas, and after a bit more caretaking, Dom had left him to recover completely as well as to get his washing and other chores done. And now, Sunday night, Billy was feeling just fine and even a teeny bit devious as he headed over to Dom's, whistling happily.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck... Dom was dashing around his flat like a frog on speed, tugging at his hair, his neck, his wrists...Occasionally, he would flit back to the computer and read Billy's e-mail again, the content of it sending delightful shivers down his spine at the thought of what Billy had planned. Fuck, he wanted to find out. He really did.

But now, he had to finish getting ready. Dom knew for a fact that he would not have the upper hand this evening, but that didn't stop him trying to perhaps crack Billy's resolve just slightly with what he was wearing.

He'd pulled out all the stops. Tonight was the night that his inner slut had been waiting for its entire life, and Dom was certainly going to let it have its own way. The cuffs had been the first thing he'd put on after his shower, fastening them securely around his wrists and smirking at the thought of what they'd be doing later on that night. With any luck. If he was good. Next, he'd done the eyeliner, thick and black and slightly smudged, with a hint of glitter in it of which Dom greatly approved. After that, a white vest then a white shirt with the sleeves rolled halfway up his forearm, the buttons of the shirt hanging open. As well as this, he'd managed to dig out a pair of trousers from his wardrobe that he hadn't worn since he used to go out on the town most nights. Leather trousers. Oh, yes. They were certainly a lot fucking tighter than he remembered but they made his arse look fantastic so Dom wasn't complaining. He'd also found one of his old leather collars - black as well - which he'd added to the ensemble on a whim, hoping Billy would approve. His hair was artfully mussed and looked as though he'd been in bed all day, and not alone, either.

Finally, the piece de resistance. Dom had decided to stop being spastic and give into Billy's geek fetish.

He was wearing his glasses.

When Dom opened the door to his flat at eight o clock on the dot, Billy was standing there, his expression carefully controlled. If he'd given in to "urges," as Dom liked to call them, his mouth would be hanging open, but tonight was all about restraint--no pun intended.

Instead, Billy stalked forward with purpose, one hand grabbing at the front of Dom's vest and using it to shove him against the wall of the entryway, holding him steady and bringing the index finger of his other hand up to Dom's lips. In true the true spirit of an evening catered entirely to Dom's eccentricities and preferences, Billy himself had dressed in nearly skintight jeans with holes in the knees--a holdover from the rock band he'd once been in--and a tight black shirt with long sleeves and shiny fabric and indeed, a teeny bit of silver glitter swirling in random patterns. He hadn't done anything special with his hair, as there wasn't much of it to work with, but he wore a tightly knotted silver satin scarf, steel-toed boots, and a leather jacket, along with his own piece de reistance--his eyes, carefully lined in black kohl.

"Good evening, Dominic. I think now would be a good time to go over the rules," he announced with a smirk, tracing his fingers over Dom's full lips and registering with inner glee the lad's shocked expression. "Rule one, no alcohol beyond what I give you. I want you to be fully aware tonight. Rule two, no kissing until midnight, from either of us. And rule three, lad, is that you trust me. Tonight is for you, but break any of the rules and you won't be coming tonight, at all. Clear?"

"I..." think my brain just broke? Want you to fuck me senseless right now? Shit. Billy. Eyeliner. Fucking Hell.

"Yes. Clear." Dom swallowed and nodded vigorously, his glasses slipping to the end of his nose almost comically. He glanced down at the little bit of Billy's knee on display and swallowed again, resting his head back against the wall, fearing what he'd do if he looked into Billy's eyes.

"Good lad," Billy replied with an amiable smile, reaching up and pushing Dom's glasses up for him before stepping away and releasing his vest. "Get your coat then and we'll be off. We have a reservation," he explained.

"W-we do?" Dom stammered, his eyes roaming endlessly over Billy. He is the best boyfriend ever. Not to mention the sexiest bloke in the universe. Blindly, Dom reached out and grabbed his jacket off the hook, throwing it around himself. "Where for?" He patted the pocket with the condoms and lube in it then stepped out of his flat after Billy, locking his door.

"Dinner," Billy replied simply, waiting for Dom to lock the door and then wrapping his arm snuggly around Dom's waist as they headed down the stairs. He'd promised himself he'd ignore his little PDA hang up as much as possible for tonight, and he thought he could make an okay go of it considering how strongly he'd been feeling towards Dom as of late. He owed the lad this, at the very least. "Have you ever been to the Marais, lad?"

Dom shook his head as he leant into Billy's side. "No," he said, wondering why on Earth Billy was taking him to the Jewish district of Paris, but choosing not to say anything. "Is it nice, there?"

"It's gay there," Billy replied matter-of-factly, smiling to himself. "And that's where we're going."

"What, it's the, uh, gay neighbourhood? Paris has a gay neighbourhood that I didn't know about?" Dom's eyes were wide and his mouth hung open slightly. "You're taking me to the French equivalent of Canal Street?" He couldn't quite believe that Billy would take himself so far out of his own comfort zone for Dom. PDAs, dressing like a fucking rockstar and now this...Christ.

"Essentially yes. Though I think Paris as a whole is much gayer than Manchester, to be fair," Billy pointed out. "You have dressed perfectly, by the way. I can't decide whether to take five minutes off the planned teasing for tonight as a reward, or whether to add five for the torment you're putting me through. I suppose it evens out," he reasoned cheerfully, squeezing Dom's hip as a cab pulled up to the curb. "Ah ha. Perfect timing. He gets a good tip."

Dom clambered into the back of the taxi with Billy and wasted no time in getting as close to his boyfriend as possible. "Do you approve of the glasses, then?" he asked, resting his hand on Billy's thigh and trying to sneak a glance at Billy's outlined eyes.

"You know I do," Billy agreed, using one hand to buckle the middle belt around Dom's waist as he rattled off the address of their destination to the driver and then buckling his own belt before sneaking his hand between Dom and the seat, sliding his hand up under the back of Dom's shirt and stroking warm skin. "I think this and the glasses make an absolutely perfect dichotomy," he added, reaching across his own body with the other hand to briefly stroke his fingers over the leather of Dom's collar and dip them into the hollow of Dom's throat.

"Ah," Dom gasped, not quite able to believe that he wasn't allowed to kiss Billy. "I thought you might, uh, like the collar," he added, turning to face Billy, his breath moving over Billy's lips as he spoke.

"I do," Billy agreed, not backing off, allowing their lips to nearly touch for a long moment before pulling back a bit.

For the remainder of the drive, both men remained relatively silent, the atmosphere in the taxi charged with sexual tension derived from their little touches and thoughts about how the night was going to go in both their minds. When the cab pulled up in front of a small, trendy oyster bar, Billy handed the driver a couple of colourful euro notes and then pulled Dom out of the vehicle by one wrist, leading him inside where it was warm and dim, the small tables and the bar lit by tea candles and small hanging lamps.

Billy gave the maître d' his name and they were led to a table along one wall. Without asking, two glasses of Moët were poured, and Billy smiled with a little twinkle in his eye as he raised his bubbling glass.

"I know the request was for lobster, lad, but I thought you wouldn't mind the slight deviation," he explained, thinking back to their first date and Dom's joke at the Perraudin. "There's champagne now, oysters soon, and there will be strawberries later. And now we drink to us, and to many more happy New Years together," Billy toasted bravely, not allowing himself to think cautiously for once. "A ta santé."

"Cheers," Dom said, clinking his glass with Billy's and beaming, his heart fluttering at the sense of future he and Billy were beginning to acquire. He sipped his champagne - fuck, Billy's taste struck again - and took Billy's hand in his, twining their legs together under the table. Despite the theme of the evening, which Dom certainly approved of, he couldn't help himself. "Thank you for all this," he said earnestly, motioning to Billy's outfit and the bar and the general situation. "I love you, you know."

Billy smiled and squeezed Dom's hand as he sipped from his own glass. "You're very welcome. After everything that's happened, I... well I want you to know that you mean everything to me right now," he admitted. "And I love every little thing about you. You deserve to be celebrated."

"You have no idea how much not kissing you hurts right now," Dom said, sliding his ankle up Billy's leg and squeezing his hand back, staring intently into Billy's eyes. "Christ, you're wonderful." He leant forward and brushed his hand across Billy's face, cupping his jaw gently.

Billy smiled and allowed Dom to touch him, enjoying it quite a bit in fact. "You'll be able to kiss me later, lad. Good things come to those who wait, haven't you heard?"

"And I'm an impatient bastard," Dom said with a grin, brushing his thumb over Billy's lips. "So," he said, pulling away. "Are you going to tell me what's on the agenda for this evening or am I not allowed to know?"

"Well there will be dancing involved. And later, what were the two things...? Ah yes. Nudity and bondage-I did promise." Billy winked and took another sip of champagne, rubbing Dom's ankle gently under the table with his own.

"Gah," Dom said, surprised he'd managed that amount of coherency. "Dancing? I love dancing. Not quite as much as, the, um, other thing, but, uh, yes." He sipped his champagne as well, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"You mentioned it once before. I've even arranged for us to take part in a little of your favoured type of dancing--more groping and less dancing, rather," Billy teased, hooking his ankle around the leg of Dom's chair and pulling him closer into the table so that he could reach out and gently squeeze the back of Dom's neck.

"Oh, fuck, really?" For the thousandth time that night since seeing Billy, Dom's mind melted and slid out of his ear. "I get to um, do that, with you?" He pushed back against Billy's hand and sighed happily.

This evening was too fucking good to be true.

"You do," Billy agreed with a slightly harder squeeze before pulling his hand away as a waiter sat down a large plate of oysters and two smaller plates.

"But first we slurp at our evening aphrodisiac," he teased.

Dom giggled and eyed the oysters, poking one of them gently with his index finger. "I've never had oysters before," he admitted, lifting his glasses up so he could get a better look. "Un-cultured oik that I am. Are they nice?"

"I like them," Billy replied. "They are kind of messy, but tasty. If you like seafood. You do like seafood all right, yes?" he asked, looking concerned.

"Yeah, I like seafood!" Dom replied, grinning brightly, squeezing Billy's hand to reassure him.

"Good then. Here. Just take it and slurp it all straight out of the shell," Billy explained, picking up one of the oysters from its bed of ice and holding it up to Dom over his plate.

Dom did as Billy said, tipping the shell with his forefinger as he tilted his head back slightly. The oyster slid around his mouth for a moment before he chewed and swallowed, the lemon and salt leaving a sharp, although not unpleasant, aftertaste. "Nice," he said to Billy, grinning and raising his eyebrows. "Your turn." He held one up to Billy's mouth, smiling.

Billy laughed and did his best to slurp the oyster from the shell Dom held up, only dribbling a teeny bit onto his chin and reaching up with his linen napkin to dab it away. "Granted, I didn't learn to eat these in Glasgow," he admitted with a grin. "But they are tasty."

"Very," Dom agreed, sipping his champagne again. "I doubt there's an oyster establishment in Manchester, actually, although they could have built one since I've been here. I remember Andy talking about this place in London, but...Sorry. I'm rambling." He grinned and picked another oyster up from the plate and offered it to Billy.

"Quit apologising," Billy replied with a pleasant smile. "Contrary to what you seem to believe, I rather like your rambling. It takes emphasis off the fact that I don't talk much," he pointed out as he took the oyster and slurped it down, followed by some more champagne.

"Andy seemed like a nice bloke," he commented as Dom took another oyster as well. "I liked Lou and Oliver, too, and Lucy. Your staff isn't all so bad as you would've had me believe, you know."

Dom smiled and shook his head. "They're all lovely, but none of them are in my department, which I hate, because I have to put up with Jeanette and her sidekicks all day every day." He rolled his eyes and drank some more, a pleasant warm feeling rushing through his body. "I only ever get to talk to Andy et al when there are dos on or if we're on playground duty together. It's naff." Now that Billy had given him free reign to ramble, Dom certainly wasn't going to stop. "Anyway, Andy mentioned there's a pub he goes to, a British one, who do a quiz every weekend. Fancy going one day?"

"Sure," Billy agreed. "I think a pub quiz sounds more my speed than this," he admitted with a smile, gesturing to indicate the trendy bar and his clothing and eyeliner. "Would be nice to have a pint with him at least, whether we do any good at the quiz or not."

"Well, I'll tell you something," Dom whispered, leaning in closer to Billy and rubbing his ankle a bit higher up Billy's leg, "You look so fucking sexy in that get-up it's taking all of my self control to not jump you right now." He grinned wolfishly and took Billy's hand in his again. "And I really do appreciate the effort your making, love. I appreciate it a lot." He flicked his eyes down to his crotch, knowing that Billy would understand.

"Good," Billy replied with an equally knowing glance, managing to trail the toe of his boot all the way up to Dom's knee before setting it down again. "I'm glad you're working on your self-control, as well. You'll need it later," he promised.

"I'll kiss you at midnight," Billy continued, leaning forward across the plate of oysters so that his face was almost touching Dom's and lowering his voice to a whisper. "But you won't be coming until well after that, I'm afraid."

"What?" Dom whimpered, his facial expression stricken, " and...I...Billy!" Oh, and that little whine was going to do him no favours.

"You'll come tonight, lad," Billy promised, grinning to himself at Dom's little outburst, "as long as you follow the rules. But I plan to play with you a little first. I want to know exactly what makes you beg," he admitted, reaching up and trailing one finger along Dom's jaw before dropping it to the plate and raising an oyster to Dom's lips.

Dom slurped at the oyster, a delightful shiver running through him at Billy's words. "Fuck," he gasped once he'd finished, grabbing Billy's wrist and holding his hand still as he licked a bit of juice off one of Billy's fingers. "I'll be good." He nodded vigorously and let Billy's wrist go, pushing his glasses back up his nose. Despite his attire and the way he normally acted, Dom felt like the geek who'd been asked out by the coolest bloke in school.

"He says as he licks me," Billy murmured with a smile, taking another oyster for himself. "Have I mentioned that I love your glasses, lad?"

"Don't think so," Dom mumbled, blushing and looking down at the table. "I just know you have a thing for geeks and you've encouraged me to wear my specs before and after all you've done for me, the least I could do is oblige." He smiled, embarrassed, and fiddled with his glasses subconsciously.

"Well you look fucking fantastic," Billy observed matter-of-factly. "Like a cross between a glam rocker and the handsome uni students in the library I always wanted to talk to when I was younger but never got up the nerve. A regular fantasy come true you are, lad--don't think for one second that this waiting isn't as hard for me as it is for you."

Grinning at that, Dom leant back in his chair and stretched, showing off his fairly toned upper body. He was a fantasy come true. Fetch that.

"You know," he began, pausing to sip at his champagne, "as much as the wait is killing me, I want to enjoy the moment as well. It's confusing." Daringly, he slid his foot all the way up to Billy's thigh and then back down again, smirking and hoping he wouldn't be reprimanded for that. "I want everything at once."

"Now you know exactly how you make me feel," Billy admitted with a smile, deciding not to say anything just yet about Dom's audacity. It did feel kind of nice. "Every time I'm out with you, or with you in general, half of me wants to be clever and make this last forever and ever, and the other half wants to say screw it all and dive head first off the deep end with you, pretend that all the everyday shite doesn't matter."

Immediately, Dom softened. "What sort of every day shite, Bill?" he asked, linking his fingers with Billy's.

"Oh, just our jobs and my fear of being affectionate in public and whatever things in our past that make us act the way we do," Billy explained, rubbing his thumb over the back of Dom's hand. "I'd much rather just live in a house in a hidey hole underground with you, or maybe in some alternate universe, where I can not be afraid and just be silly and crazy and in love. Maybe I'll get there one day, though," he conceded. "You're helping me loosen up a lot."

Smiling, Dom nodded and squeezed Billy's hand. "I noticed," he said. "As for the rest...Nous traversons les ponts quand nous venons aux ils. And how's that for directly translating?" He winked and brought Billy's hand to his lips to kiss his knuckles - that was allowed, right? "Seriously, Bill," he said, "Don't worry about it. At least not for tonight. It's New Year, we're ringing it in together and you're out with a man who loves you so much he thinks he could burst from it sometimes."

Billy smiled at Dom's attempt to translate the old adage, and decided he'd let the small kiss slide given the context. "All right. I won't. I'll have a grand time and celebrate to the utmost, I promise you," he replied, slurping down another oyster. "So do you have any resolutions this year?"

"A few," Dom replied, shrugging noncommittally. He finished off his champagne and smiled, wrinkling his nose to move his glasses back up it a bit. "Have you got any?"

"Not going to tell me, then?" Billy asked with a laugh, squeezing Dom's knee under the table. "I have a few as well. I'd like to do some improvements to the shop, maybe try to advertise a bit more. Would like to loosen up a little as well; could probably do me some good. Maggie keeps saying I'm going to die of an early heart attack," he confessed with a roll of his eyes.

"I'll help you loosen up," Dom said with a lecherous wink, grinning all over his face. "And you'll know all about my resolutions soon enough, love, seeing as they all involve you." He nicked the last oyster for himself - he'd acquired quite a taste for them, it seemed - and nudged Billy under the table, feeling cheeky once more.

"Well don't think you're not involved in said loosening," Billy teased. "But okay. I can wait." He laughed as Dom took the last oyster and finished his champagne in one gulp, just as a waiter turned up to take away the quickly melting ice and replace it with a decadent bowl of sliced strawberries, a smaller bowl in the centre holding a dark chocolate fondue. The strawberries were soaked in Grand Marnier and sugar, and once the waiter had set the ice down out of the way, he lit a match and dramatically set the strawberries aflame for a few seconds before scurrying off again.

"These are like tasting heaven," Billy confided, ignoring the little forks provided for the purpose and picking up a strawberry slice with his fingers, dipping it in chocolate and then quickly lifting the fruit to Dom's lips, rubbing the sticky-sweet mixture across them before Dom could try and lick it away on his own.

Groaning, Dom bit into the strawberry and shut his eyes, leaving the chocolate and sugar and strawberry juice on his lips. "Orgasm on a plate, lad, I'm telling you..." he recalled from their first date and the pecan pie and smiled, swallowing happily. Eventually, he licked the mixture away from his lips slowly, staring intently at Billy.

"Tastes good, doesn't it?" Billy murmured, not bothering to take his eyes off of Dom's lips, almost in a silent challenge to the other man. He wanted to kiss Dom badly, but he wanted to watch the lad squirm more.

"Fuck, yes," Dom agreed, feeling slightly uncomfortable under Billy's gaze. He plucked a strawberry from the bowl and held it to Billy's lips, accidentally-on-purpose smudging a bit of the chocolate over his chin. "Oops," he said, laughing. "You try now."

Billy rolled his eyes and quickly licked what he could reach, then used his finger to swipe away the remainder and slipped that into his mouth, sucking slowly down from tip to knuckle and back again without taking his eyes from Dom's.

"Oh, bloody Hell," Dom groaned, closing his eyes, swallowing, and pushing his hips forward without thinking about it. "Don't tease, Bill," he murmured, concentrating all of his energy on not palming his cock through his trousers in the middle of the restaurant. Christ, leather was unforgiving.

"Don't tease?" Billy asked, grinning. "But that would defeat the purpose of such a decadent dessert entirely, Dominic. Don't you think?"

"Stop it," Dom moaned, lifting another strawberry to Billy's lips, dipping his fingers just slightly into Billy's mouth.

Billy licked Dom's fingers pointedly, sucking the strawberry into his mouth from it's tip to the widest part and then biting down, his lips caressing Dom's fingertips as he finished the piece of fruit off. "You don't get to say stop tonight, Dominic," he warned in a slightly husky tone. "Unless you really mean it--and I don't think you do."

Dom whimpered and shut his eyes against the image of Billy licking his fingers gently, that feeling sending little jolts to his cock that while he didn't necessarily disapprove, he wished would go away as it was making it hard to breathe. "I'd never tell you to stop, Billy," he said truthfully, his eyes still closed.

"I see you're abiding by rule three then," Billy replied with a smile, reaching out with his cleaner hand to ruffle Dom's hair. "That's good, lad. Very good. I'd never do anything if I thought you wouldn't like it, but I have some things in mind... things that you will like, I think, if you're patient."

Nodding, Dom opened his eyes and adjusted his glasses, leaning into Billy's touch. He smiled at the small amount of praise Billy gave him (because really, in all honesty, Dom was a fucking praise junkie) and decided to test the boundaries a little more. He picked a strawberry off the plate for himself and made a big deal out of eating it - tongue darting out to lick the chocolate away and then drawing it into his mouth where he swirled it around, swallowing it eventually. At the same time, he managed to get his right shoe off and rested his foot on Billy's chair next to his crotch, grinning like a madman.

Calmly, with a pleasant smile, Billy took Dom's foot in his hand, gave it a nice hard massage for a long minute, and then firmly pushed it off of his chair.

"A for effort," he conceded, leaning forwards slightly. "May I have another strawberry, Dominic?"

Glaring, Dom shoved his foot back in his shoe and nodded sullenly, making a big pantomime out of being annoyed that his little adventure had gone unpunished. He offered another strawberry to Billy, dipping it in the chocolate before he did so and sighed dramatically, looking everywhere but at Billy's face.

"Good boy," Billy murmured cheekily, biting down on the strawberry with a grin and eating almost perfunctorily. "First lesson of the evening, lad. I reward good behaviour. And you are so clearly angling for a punishment that you will certainly not get one. I think waiting is much more efficient punishment for a man like you, wouldn't you say?"

How does he fucking know? Dom decided to actually ask Billy that. "How do you know, Bill?" He ate another couple of strawberries. "How do you know exactly how to get to me?"

"Hmm. Good question," Billy replied, pondering it seriously as he took a sip of water to cleanse his palette. "I know that you love attention. We're not so different in that regard, though we have different ways of showing it. I know that you're a bit impatient, and that I'm not, which gives me a certain advantage. And I know that the more I make you wait, the more fucking beautiful it will be when I give you what you want. Therein lies my goal for the evening. To have you tied to my bed, shaking, cursing, begging, and sweating with anticipation. I'm looking very much forward to that moment, Dominic, and have been for several months now."

Oh, and that was just it. Dom slammed his head onto the table, completely helpless. If he begged, he'd be refused. If he tried to do something about his now pulsing erection, he'd be punished. After being tortured for hours. He let a long cry escape his throat, muffled by the wood, and made his hands into fists on his thighs. "This is going to kill me," he muttered.

"No it won't, lad," Billy murmured with a smile, rubbing Dom's knee gently under the table. "You can do this. Now come on, it's time to dance," he announced as the waiter brought the bill, putting a couple of notes down on the table and nodding in thanks as he stood and pulled Dom to his feet by one wrist.

Dom immediately wrapped his arm around Billy's waist - seeking contact, heat, anything. He nodded to the waiter as well, grasping Billy's hand and linking their fingers together. "Is it far?" he gasped out, desperate to start dancing.

"Just a few roads away," Billy replied, smiling to himself as he slid his arm around Dom's waist as well and led them out the door and to the right. "I think you'll like this club. I've never been, but I did some research. Seemed about your style. Luc recommended it to me, actually. You remember Luc?"

"I do," Dom said, arching an eyebrow. "You said he was straight."

"He is, but he knows everything there is to know about where the club kids go in Paris. Straight, gay...he's the man to ask. He used to DJ, actually."

"Wow, really? I always wanted to give it a go, but you know, short attention span." He grinned and moved his hand down Billy's side, lifting his shirt a bit to caress the skin underneath. "Can't wait to dance with you, Bill," he said, stopping for a moment to nuzzle into Billy's neck.

"Mm, I'll admit my trepidation is decreasing a bit, seeing as you're unlikely to make fun of me tonight if you know what's good for you," Billy teased, scritching Dom's side a bit where his shirt had slid back to reveal a vee of skin below the edge of the vest. "Remember, no alcohol, but drink water if you need it. I plan to get a bit of a workout tonight," he promised with a wink.

"All right," Dom said, swallowing around the sudden dryness in his mouth. He pushed his glasses up his nose and took Billy's hand again, pulling him along the street in the direction Billy had been leading them. "Can't wait to get you on that dance floor," he muttered, more to himself than anything. "So fucking sexy..."

"Trust me. It's going to take a lot of self-control not to fuck you on the dance floor with those trousers," Billy muttered, following along as they approached the corner where the club sat. "But the no-kissing rule says nothing about no grabbing your arse."

Though the streets in the Marais were full of lights, people, and the smells of food and booze, the lines in front of the huge two-story dance club weren't too imposing. It wasn't even eleven o' clock yet, and a lot of people were mingling around in the street, rather than going inside. The building itself featured a smoking balcony above the main entrance, from which goth kids and ravers with arms full of beaded bracelets waved to friends below with their cigarettes, and a large glowing black sign that read "Les Roses Noires."

Laughing, Dom ran in front of Billy and pushed his arse back into Billy's crotch, rubbing obscenely for a second before joining the back of the queue. "I wouldn't complain about it either," he whispered with a little wiggle of his eyebrows, tongue darting out to lick his lips.

"I'm sure you wouldn't," Billy agreed, stepping up behind Dom in the queue and wrapping one arm possessively around Dom's waist, pulling him back tight to Billy's body before ghosting his lips within a centimetre of Dom's skin from shoulder up the neck to just under Dom's ear. "Mine tonight, lad. Do you see how they're looking at you?" he asked, nodding casually up to some of the boys on the balcony who did, indeed, look interested. "They can look, but they can't touch," he whispered, trailing his hand down to Dom's thigh, the outside of his hand just brushing Dom's crotch. "And I can."

"Fuck, Bill," Dom whispered, his eyes fluttering shut as he caught hold of both of Billy's hands, squeezing them tightly so that they couldn't wander. Once he'd composed himself, he raised his eyebrows to the lads on the balcony and grinned, pulling Billy into him even more, moving his arse in small circles. Had he been allowed, he would have kissed Billy messily, showing everyone exactly whom he was with and how glad he was about it.

Billy smiled to himself, a bit relieved, at Dom's willingness to show the other men who he was with. When the queue started moving up again, he had to nudge Dom's hip gently to get him to move forward, sliding his wallet out and pulling out a twenty-euro note for the cover charge. Once they were inside, Billy paid to have their coats checked and then led Dom deeper inside the club, past the idly milling groups and couples and the bar along the wall to the large dance floor at the centre of the room.

The music was pounding, a driving industrial beat, and though a lot of the boys and girls dancing were dressed in dark, gothy outfits, there was a healthy dose of glitter and feather boas to celebrate the New Year as well. Billy smiled, happy with Luc's choice for Dom, and tugged him to a clear space, pressing a finger over Dom's lips and then pulling him directly to Billy's body, deciding to go balls out in this whole dancing attempt and taking both Dom's wrists in his hands, lifting them up over his head and holding them there as he moved his hips in a firm echo of the beat, forcing Dom to follow, their lips just a few inches apart.

Do you wanna go dancing, in the club?
We can have a good time and live it up.
'Said if you wanna go dancing, you gotta wear a tuxedo.
And then we can do the tango wherever we go.

Dom moaned and ground up against Billy, any sound he made lost in the din of the club. His mind was just a mass of nerve endings and expletives, all of his attention focused on Billy's hands clasped around his wrists. Fuck, yes...

Said if you wanna do the tango, then we're gonna need a ballroom.
So she took me by the hand and led me to her bedroom.
And then she did it--she stripped me half naked,
And she told me that her body was sacred.

As the song wore on, Billy ran his hands down Dom's arms, slowly, careful to stroke every inch of his skin, continuing down Dom's sides to his waist as Dom's crossed wrists floated down to rest around his neck. Keeping his eyes on Dom's, he continued to just follow the beat with his body. And then, in a sudden burst of creativity, he slid his hands up Dom's chest between them and clasped Dom's shoulders, pushing him to slide down Billy's body almost to the floor--Billy's hips still moving in close proximity to his face--before he let him back up again.

She said I could take her if I danced with her,
But somehow I knew that she was an Indian giver.
I said "what about tomorrow?"
She said "what about tonight?
Trust me baby, it'll be all right."

Throwing his head back once Billy pulled him back up, Dom grabbed his lover's arse and squeezed, shoving his own thigh in between Billy's. He moved it in time with the beat of the music, resting his forehead against Billy's, their breath mingling in the inch of space between their lips. "Want you so much."

"Want to fuck you so much," Billy growled, grinding shamelessly against Dom as he licked his lips, almost brushing Dom's with his tongue in the process. "Didn't like being sick... and I believe I promised to have you up against a wall when I was better, did I not?

"Ohhh," Dom moaned, finding it incredibly hard to not close the gap between his and Billy's lips. "Are you not - ah -" he grinned and wrinkled his nose, pushing his glasses back up it, "-uh, going to fall asleep this time?"

"Oh fuck you," Billy murmured without too much heat, rolling his eyes. "I was exhausted."

"Think you did, Bill," Dom said, twisting around so that his back was to Billy's front. He wrapped his arms around Billy's neck despite the awkward angle, his vest riding up to reveal several inches of pale skin. "And I certainly hope you're going to." He pushed his arse into Billy's crotch and smirked, a bead of sweat running down the side of his face.

"If there's one thing you can depend on for the new year, lad, it's that," Billy promised, shifting slightly as the track switched to something a little slower, darker. Nine Inch Nails, he was pretty sure, and the perfect song to surreptitiously grope your boyfriend to, which he did, running his hands from Dom's chest to his thighs and then pressing one hand against his crotch for a long moment before returning both hands to his stomach, pushing up impatiently under his vest and grinding in a steady upwards motion with clear connotations.

"What if..." Dom groaned at the sensation of Billy thrusting against him before pushing back. "What if I kissed you?"

"I believe I was relatively clear on the consequences, lad," Billy warned against Dom's ear, reaching up and tweaking a nipple under his vest. "You want me to make you come tonight, don't you?"

Dom grabbed Billy's hands and placed them on his hips, needing to have his movements controlled lest he do something he would regret. Leaning his head back onto Billy's shoulder, Dom licked a broad stripe across Billy's neck and bit sharply, thrusting back against Billy. "Yes," he whispered into Billy's ear, linking their fingers together, both of their hands on his hips now. "More than anything."

Billy sucked a gasp in through his teeth at the bite. Was that allowed? Well, he honestly didn't care. "Good," he replied simply, holding Dom's hips firmly as they danced. "Less than an hour now till midnight," Billy reminded him, resting his chin on Dom's shoulder.

"Thank fuck." Dom remained silent for the rest of the song as he moved his arse against Billy's crotch, biting back a groan at the obvious hardness that was there. He was sweating all over and his trousers had become uncomfortably tight.

Once the song had finished, Dom let out a joyous whoop as the next one started up, turning 'round to face Billy again. The drumbeat played on its own for the first few bars and eventually the synthesisers joined it. Dom raised his arms up and began twisting from side to side, placing his thigh in between Billy's legs again.

"I love this one," he said as he moved Billy's hands onto his own waist. "If you couldn't tell."

"Mmm. It's a sexy song," Billy agreed, flicking his thumbs up under Dom's vest and gently caressing Dom's sides again as he moved in a quick twisting counterpoint to Dom, letting the other man lead for a change. "How does it feel to treat me like you do?" he sang softly, leaning in to Dom's ear as his hands trailed up Dom's sides with a little devious grin. "When you've laid your hands upon me and told me who you are? Thought I was mistaken, I thought I heard your words. Tell me how do I feel, tell me now how do I feel?"

Dom laughed and continued to thrust against Billy, reaching his own hands up to wrap them around Billy's neck. Instead of kissing him, Dom whispered, "I love you" and touched their noses together, returning to the dry sex once he'd gotten the sentimentality that had been brewing for a while out of his system.

Billy grinned and went back to dancing with his chin on Dom's shoulder, ruffling his hair... and then suddenly, he froze.

"Dom!" he hissed, hiding his face against Dom's shoulder and then turning them slightly so that Dom could see the man at the bar. "It's that bloke! From the Eiffel Tower!"

Sure enough, sipping a martini, dressed in a dapper black suit with his black hair combed straight back, chatting with someone who Billy and Dom couldn't see other than the curly black hair at the back of his head and a leather jacket, was the man who'd so inconveniently interrupted their little liaison in the toilets on the Eiffel Tower. But then... what was he doing in a gay bar?

Dom shrieked with laughter and tugged Billy's hand. "Let's go and say hello! Come on, can we, please?"

"We are not saying hello," Billy hissed, still trying to hide his face. "I don't know what he's doing here, but... oh." He stopped trying to resist Dom and stood still, watching as the man grabbed his companion by the back of the head and tugged him in for a very long, drawn out, faintly erotic kiss. "Oh."

"Yeah. Wow." Dom stood and gaped for a minute, thinking how disgustingly unfair it was that he couldn't do that yet, and then started to gibber and point when he saw exactly who the interrupter was with. "Andy! That's Andy!" Dom said excitedly, completely shocked that Andy did indeed 'dabble on both sides of the stream' as he'd put it at the meal. I thought he was just being supportive.

"Andy? Your Andy?? Jesus, it is," Billy realised when the couple finally pulled apart. Loo-man smirked and went back to his martini, while Andy turned a bit to his left and caught sight of Dom, who was still spastically flailing at his realisation. Billy just stared, and Andy grinned at the two of them and wiggled his fingers slightly in a wave before going back to whisper in his companion's ear. "Well fuck me. Didn't expect to see that," Billy muttered.

"I...Well...Fuck. I am definitely going to be eating lunch with him when I go back to work. Christ!" Dom grinned and laughed again, reaching downwards to hold Billy's hand. "What time is it?" he asked innocently, his eyes occasionally darting back to Andy and The Interrupter, who had just started necking.

"Eleven thirty," Billy replied, raising a suspicious eyebrow. "What's this now? Should I be jealous of your sudden interest in a lunch date?"

"Oh, not at all," Dom said quietly, turning his back on Andy and The Interrupter to wrap himself around Billy, hands sliding down to squeeze his arse. "Y'see, I'm a nosy bastard." He bit Billy's ear gently then darted his tongue out to lick the lobe, breathing onto it once he'd finished. "And I couldn't really give a fuck about Andy's apparent heteroflexibility because I've got an incredibly sexy Scotsman in my arms who I wouldn't mind getting tied up by later."

"Mm. Glad you don't mind, lad, because you'll certainly be tied up," Billy teased, pressing his body against Dom's for a moment and relishing Dom's wandering mouth before pulling him towards the other end of the bar, giving Andy and The Interrupter some space. "Un bouteil d'eau, s'il vous plait!" he shouted over the music, and passed over a few coins in exchange for a bottle of Evian. "Here lad, drink up," he offered after taking a sip for himself.

Dom downed the water quickly, leaving some of it for Billy. "This is more tiring than I remembered," he said with a grin, motioning to the writhing couples on the dance floor.

"You're also probably older than you were the last time you did it," Billy teased, pinching Dom's side. "Or some of them are on really good drugs. Possibly both."

"Watch it, you," Dom said with a grin, pinching Billy in return. "This is coming from a...what, how old are you? Thirty-five, is it?" He raised an eyebrow and led Billy back onto the dance floor as yet another song started, immediately pushing his thigh in between Billy's again.

"Bastard," Billy muttered, reaching down and pinching Dom's arse hard enough to get a yelp out of him. "And it's thirty six, you cheeky pup."

"Ow, that hurt, you sadistic fuck!" He pushed Billy good-naturedly and grinned, pulling Billy back to him once he'd made his point. "'Time is it now?" he asked, desperate to kiss Billy.

"Ten minutes later than you last asked, sweetheart, and if you're surprised now that I'm sadistic maybe we haven't been spending enough time getting to know each other," Billy replied smoothly, idly running a finger around below the waistband of Dom's trousers.

"Oh, fuck." Dom shivered and pressed closer to Billy, his heart pounding. Twenty minutes. Twenty minutes, I can do this. That's like...listening to 'Don't Look Back in Anger' five times. Yes. Right.

"Mm, later, yes," Billy teased, rocking his hips and bending his head to bite lightly at Dom's neck. His teeth were still pressing into Dom's skin when he looked up and saw the DJ staring at them. "Oh, well that's lovely," he murmured.


"We appear to have a straight female fan club," Billy explained, nodding casually to the booth where the girl was bouncing along with the music, headphones over short black hair and dressed all in black as well. "Last thing I expected in a gay club..."

Dom swivelled around and peered at the DJ, squinting through his glasses. "William Boyd, you need your fucking eyes tested." He thwapped Billy on the side of his head and pointed at the DJ, who was now engaged in a bit of tonsil tennis with a brunette girl dressed in black to match who was presumably her girlfriend. "And I thought I was the blind one..."

"Oh..." Billy giggled as he realised his mistake, which should've been obvious from the fact that a fucking Peaches song was playing. "Right. I should get Anabelle to come here, then. Bet she'd like it," he surmised with a laugh.

"I'm sure she would." Dom smiled and buried his face in Billy's neck, licking there slowly and tasting sweat and strawberries and just a hint of aftershave. "You taste like everything sex should be," Dom muttered, pushing his hips into Billy's.

Billy blushed at the compliment, choosing to silently roll his hips against Dom's in acknowledgement. But then the track flipped over to something slower, the couples on the floor simultaneously calming their movements, and Billy grinned. "A tango! I'm going to teach you to tango, lad. Can you hear the beat in the music? Long, long, short and short; long, long, short and short. Follow that," he instructed, finding an emptier space and leading Dom to it, resting one hand firmly on Dom's lower back and taking Dom's hand with the other, placing his thigh between Dom's. "Back first, okay? One, two, three and four," he counted, keeping his eyes on Dom's as he used his hand on Dom's back to lead. "One, two, three and four, that's it."

Giggling manically, Dom allowed himself to be led around the room by Billy, thoroughly enjoying the attention they were getting off the other people in the club. He loved the feeling of being held tight in Billy's arms and inched closer during a quick stop in the dance. "My boyfriend can dance," Dom bragged, with a superior look on his face. "Actually, properly dance."

Billy rolled his eyes as he gave Dom a sharp tug to indicate a change in direction, executing a rock step to stop their movement and then continuing around the perimeter of the room. "Your boyfriend considers this somewhat easier than standing still and grinding. Somewhat sexier too, if you know to exploit it," he added with a grin, doing a step on the next pass that tugged Dom tight to his chest and then letting him dip back slightly, his right arm firm to support the extra weight, for a full four count before continuing the step pattern.

Laughing a little breathlessly, Dom nodded in agreement as he got used to being upright again. "Very sexy indeed," he murmured, moving his hand to rest against the small bit of skin that was on show due to Billy's buttons being undone, running his hands through the hair there. "How long now 'til midnight?" he asked as they continued to dance around the room.

"Fifteen," Billy replied, lifting his hand from Dom's back briefly to check his watch as the track smoothed into some ambient techno number and ending up near the stairs. "Want to go up and watch for a bit while we wait?" he suggested, nodding to the wide balcony that ringed the space.

"Yeah," Dom said, smiling and taking Billy's hand. "That was brilliant. You're incredibly sexy, you know that? And a fantastic dancer." He followed Billy up the stairs, the cool night air a welcome relief to his sweat-slicked skin and straining trousers.

"It's much cooler in a gay club with you than the Glasgow Community Centre with little Molly MacCrae, I'll admit," Billy teased. He made a point of checking his watch, and then leaned in to nip Dom's ear. "In exactly two hours and ten minutes, I'll be inside you," he murmured, and then pulled away and looked out over the dance floor as if nothing had happened.

Dom blinked rapidly at Billy, his mouth hanging open in shock. Two fucking hours? What? "Billy!" Dom whinged, completely horrorstruck. "T-two hours?"

"Well I thought we'd stick around for half an hour or so after midnight," Billy reasoned, his smile teasing as he tugged Dom close to his body again, tracing Dom's jaw with a fingertip, "and then it'll take another half hour to get back to my flat. Which means, yeah, about an hour to play with you before I fuck you. Aye, that sounds about right."

Dom groaned and dropped his head to Billy's shoulder, licking his lips and closing his eyes. "You're a sadistic bastard," he muttered with no real conviction behind it; it was merely an observation. "I don't know how you can be so fucking patient. If I was in charge of tonight, I would have bent over for you hours ago."

"Mm, maybe next time," Billy teased. "You know," he suggested, raking his nails gently through Dom's hair and over his scalp. "Some Buddhists who subscribe to the whole idea of tantra believe that prolonged foreplay not only makes orgasm better, but significantly longer. Granted, they're more into massage and syncopated breathing than ropes and handcuffs, but I think they've got a point."

Dom burst out laughing, making several of the other people on the balcony jump. "Desolé," he said before going back to laughing again, albeit slightly quieter. "You're wonderful," he informed Billy, leaning into him again as his head was scritched. "That feels bloody fantastic, as well. How long is it now?"

"Six," Billy replied, checking his watch again and rubbing Dom's back gently. "You've been good, lad. I think I could teach you to be even better, with time... but this is a brilliant start," Billy admitted softly.

A little shiver ran up Dom's spine at the idea of being taught to be good. He ran his thumbs over Billy's wrists and pressed gently, his cuffs rubbing against the palms of Billy's hands. "Wh-what are you going to do to me tonight, Billy?" Dom asked, biting his lip after he'd said it.

"I'm going to tie you to my bed and touch every single part of your body," Billy replied in a matter-of-fact, but soft tone. "Every part, Dominic. You'll be comfortable, but you won't be able to sit up or leave or stop or come. I may blindfold you; I haven't decided yet. Consider tonight step one in learning to be patient, lad."

"Christ," Dom whispered, his fingers flexing involuntarily. "Then what? Then what are you going to do to me?"

"A man has to have some secrets, doesn't he?" Billy smiled and brushed his finger over Dom's lips. "I do know one thing, lad. I may blindfold you, but I won't gag you. I want to hear every sound from those beautiful lips when I fuck you slow, and deep, and entirely at my mercy," he whispered, directly in Dom's ear.

Making a high and needy sound in his throat, Dom broke away, spun round and looked up at the night sky, anywhere but directly at Billy. "If I turn around now, I'm going to do something we'll both regret," he explained, biting on a finger.

Billy sighed, honestly wanting nothing more than to just grab the lad and snog him senseless, but it was a good exercise for both of them. "I won't let you," Billy promised, stepping up behind Dom and pressing him against a thankfully-clear bit of railing, holding him in place by both wrists and ignoring the questioning looks of the people to either side of them. "Only five minutes, lad," Billy murmured, trailing a row of very light bites down Dom's neck. "You can handle five more minutes. Want to go back inside and dance one last song?"

"Yeah." Dom didn't turn round - he was enjoying Billy's teeth on his neck far too much for that - but he nodded quickly a couple of times. "Yeah, I'd like that." He smiled, even though Billy couldn't see, and pushed his body back against Billy's chest, still making no move to go back inside.

"Let's go then," Billy replied, giving Dom's neck one little parting suck and then pulling him in and towards the stairs again, just as the DJ made an announcement. "Mesdames et messieurs, garçons jolis et filles belles, saisez votre amant, votre partenaire, ou la personne la plus séduisante tout près de toi, parce-que c'est la dérnière chanson avant de minuit!"

Everyone cheered, and Billy grinned as he led Dom down the stairs and into the centre of the crowded floor to the opening strains of the Marilyn Manson version of "Tainted Love." "Parfait," he murmured to himself as the coloured lights flashed and he felt the crowd press in around them, his hands going to Dom's hipbones as his erection pressed against Dom's arse.

Dom groaned and pushed back against Billy, the leather becoming too tight and restrictive once more. The club was pounding and Dom felt alive. He reached his arms above him again to wrap around Billy's neck, grinning as the warmth of the dance floor ran through their bodies. His glasses had slipped down to the end of his nose again but he didn't care; Billy's hands were digging into his hips, Billy's erection pressing against his arse and walking into that bookshop was the best fucking decision he'd made in his life.

"Want to kiss you so fucking badly," Billy admitted in Dom's ear, not caring that he was drenched in sweat and pressed up against a multitude of writhing bodies half an hour away from home. Dom just felt so bloody good against him, and he didn't want to be anywhere else.

They danced for several minutes, the excitement building in the room, before someone began to count. By the time they got to ten, Billy couldn't keep the grin off his face, his lips against Dom's ear. "...neuf...huit...sept...six..."

"Fuck, yes!" Dom whispered excitedly as Billy continued to count down. "Why aren't you counting in English?" he asked out of genuine curiosity, and wasn't that odd at a time like this? But then a huge cheer erupted in the room, and Dom nearly wet himself with excitement.

Billy just laughed against Dom's lips, the answer to the question not nearly as important as the kiss they'd both been craving since he'd set foot in Dom's doorway. His hands slid through Dom's hair, not caring that he was sweaty or that they were in a room full of strangers. Dom tasted perfect, a bit of champagne and a lot of himself, and Billy groaned into the kiss, his hips moving unconsciously in a movement that was much more sex than dancing, now--the speakers were blasting "Mack the Knife" in some sort of a strange gay alternative to "Auld Lang Syne," and it wasn't quite the kind of song one grinded to, but who cared? From the balcony, people tossed handfuls of glitter and Billy felt it stick to his skin, a dusting of gold and silver that made him laugh again, mostly from relief, refusing to quit biting at Dom's lips and running his hands all over his boyfriend.

Dom's moan was not human, he would swear by it. He arched into Billy, his shirt falling off his shoulders, glitter sticking to his skin and his glasses generally getting in the way as he slid his tongue into Billy's mouth, exploring every inch of it before pulling away with a sharp bite. Immediately, he went back for more; the hours of not being able to kiss Billy had been sheer agony and he was certainly going to make up for lost time.

His shirt hanging halfway off his arms, now, Dom fisted one hand into Billy's hair and one into the front of his shirt and continued to kiss him messily, thrusting shamelessly against him.

The noise that escaped from Billy's mouth into Dom's couldn't be rightly described as anything other than a whinge--a high-pitched, needy, desperate whinge. His jeans were sticking to his thighs, sliding easily against the leather of Dom's trousers, their erections coming into contact more incidentally than on purpose as neither really had any coordination to speak of.

Billy laughed as the track changed to "London Calling," but didn't stop kissing Dom, his hands sifting the glitter through the other man's hair as he flicked his tongue across Dom's teeth and licked the roof of his mouth. "I think we may have found the only gay expatriate bar in Paris," he murmured across Dom's lips when it was absolutely necessary to pull back for air.

Chest heaving, Dom grinned and nodded, lunging forward to kiss and bite and suck at Billy's neck with a fervour he hadn't quite possessed before. He licked first, wrinkling his nose as his tongue caught some of the glitter, then bit sharply several times, bending his knees so he could continue all the way down to Billy's chest, stopped only by Billy's shirt. "So fucking beautiful," he whispered against Billy's skin before darting back up to suck the junction of Billy's neck and shoulder, hard.

"It's going to feel so bloody good," Billy murmured, arching into the bite with one hand gripping Dom's arse possessively, "to be inside you again. Your moans... the way you arch your back... the way you're absolutely fucking silent when you finally come... it's like a drug." He wasn't even sure Dom could hear everything he said over the music, but it didn't matter. He was certainly getting the jist.

Dom snapped his tongue out against the small bruise that he had raised and moved upwards to bite Billy's jaw, his ear, the back of his neck. He only caught little snatches of what Billy was saying, but fuck did it sound promising. Grasping Billy's arse with both hands, Dom shoved his tongue into Billy's mouth again - oh, fucking finally - before pulling Billy flush against him, crying out at the sensation.

Billy gasped and arched into Dom, kissing him thoroughly before whispering against his lips. "I don't think I ever told you how much I liked it that time you marked me, lad. I walked around for half a week rubbing the bruise with my thumb, trying to see if I could make it stay longer."

"Jesus," Dom muttered, pressing both of his thumbs into Billy's hips, hard, where the one mark had been. "I'll mark you any fucking day of the week, love," he muttered, closing his lips around Billy's Adam's apple.

Noticing his mouth was somewhat dry, Dom coughed and placed a hand to his throat, rubbing gently. "As much as I would like to have dry sex with you until you take me home, I could do with a drink," he said, grinning.

Billy laughed and nodded. "Get me a water too, or we can split one. I need to visit the loo, actually. I'll find you," he suggested, leaning in and pressing a kiss to Dom's lips before manoeuvring his way through the mass of dancing bodies to the toilets.

Dom watched Billy go with a fond smile before he made his way to the bar, sliding through crowds of people before he managed to actually reach it. "Bonne année," Dom said to the barmaid with a bright grin. "Je voudrais un bouteil de l'eau, s'il vous plaît," he shouted over the music, and she obliged with a smile. Once he'd handed over his money, he took a long pull from the bottle then leant against the bar to wait for Billy, observing the other clubbers.

"Bonne année, chéri," a man slurred from over his right shoulder. Dom turned and found a very emo looking kid, black hair combed half in front of his eyes, sipping on a martini. "Ce n'est pas assez dur pour un nuit comme celui-ci," he observed with a playful grin, nodding at Dom's drink. "Laisse-moi t'achète une vrai boisson."

Dom raised his eyebrows, completely at a loss for what to say. Billy's French lessons hadn't included fending off pissed emo kids in bars. "Uh..." he began, pushing his glasses up his nose and stepping away from the man, who had begun to invade his personal space. "Je suis ici avec quelq'un," he said, hoping that was at least somewhat right. "Non, merci."

The kid laughed and shook his head. "Oui," he said slowly, nodding his head as if talking to a dumb person. "Tu viens avec moi. Je ne vois ce 'quelq'un' ici... viens avec moi," he insisted, reaching out and tugging gently at Dom's waist.

"Look, fuck off mate, alright?" Dom said, glaring and pushing the other bloke's hand away. "Mon copain est dans les toilettes, tu comprends?" He gave the man another gentle shove. "And he'll go fucking apeshit if he sees, so do us both a favour and bugger off, yeah?"

The kid rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You lie," he replied, in relatively distinct English, and reached up to touch Dom's face. "You are too pretty for a copain."

Before Dom could push him off again, however, his "copain" showed up over the kid's shoulder. And Billy was pretty fucking angry.

"Do you speak English?" he growled, one hand on the back of the guy's neck and his foot just to the inside of the other man's to keep him from getting away. The kid nodded, and Billy smiled tightly. "Good. Because I'm fairly fluent in French, but I'm afraid I can't quite think of an adequate translation for 'touch my boyfriend without his permission again and I'll slice your bollocks off with an Stanley knife and feed them to you.' Comprends?"

The kid glared a moment, and finally nodded, and Billy stepped away after a hard warning squeeze to his neck. "Good."

And with that he turned away, completely ignoring the man, took a sip from Dom's water bottle, and then planted his lips over Dom's messily, kissing him hard enough to leave no question as to whom he belonged tonight. "Okay?" he asked quietly, pulling back a bit as the drunk stumbled away.

"Fuck, Bill," Dom murmured, stumbling forward slightly to slide his tongue into Billy's mouth and wrap himself around Billy, squeezing tightly. "You have no fucking idea how hard I am now - feel." He grabbed Billy's hand and pressed it into his own crotch, groaning at the sensation. "You're so fucking sexy when you're angry," Dom said, kissing Billy again. "But thank you for that," he said, pulling back for air. "I'm not keen on anyone who isn't a 5'7" Scotsman with a penchant for tying daft Manc lads to things." He winked and kissed Billy again, grabbing his arse as he did so.

Billy laughed with relief and kissed Dom soundly, letting his hands roam at will. "Just pisses me off so fucking much that someone would try to touch you without your consent," he growled, reaching up and brushing Dom's face, his thumb caressing Dom's cheek as he leaned in quickly for another kiss. "Maybe I've no right to stake a claim over you, but I want to. I never was very good at sharing my toys," he admitted with a little laugh, rubbing the back of Dom's neck gently as he pressed his lips to Dom's again, unable to stop now that he didn't have to.

Kissing Billy back, Dom sighed happily and rested his hands on Billy's hips. "Come on, Bill," he whispered into Billy's ear, licking it gently, "Claim me." He smiled and pushed his crotch into Billy's, rubbing in slow circles.

Billy needed no further invitation, growling and fisting his hand in Dom's hair, tugging his head back and leaning down to kiss him harder, making no pretence at dancing now, determined to make Dom beg for it just from the kiss. His other hand pressed at Dom's arse, keeping their hips aligned, and he didn't stop until someone ran into them a good minute later, nearly sloshing his drink all over the couple.

"Eh! Fait attention!" Billy yelled over the music, and the guy held up a hand apologetically, making his way further into the centre of the dance floor.

"Christ, it's crowded in here," Billy muttered. "Do you need anything? Loo? More water? I'm about ready to take you home."

Dom shook his head vigorously and kissed Billy again, his nose smushed into Billy's cheek due to the fact he was trying to get as close to his lover as possible. "Billy, please," he gasped, mouth moving against Billy's, "take me home."

Next Chapter
Ask Dom or Billy a Question

bookshop monaboyd

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