the VAMPIRE ACADEMY friending meme. 1. fill out the questions below in a comment
2. pass it on! The more friends the better!
In case you don't know what a Friending Meme is, it's a place where you comment with your filled out info and if someone thinks they have a lot in common with you, they comment asking to be friends (or if you come across someone you have a lot in common with)! Because, really.. you can never have too many VA friends!
You. Name:
In school? Working?
VA Love. Favorite VA Characters:
I Ship:
Favorite VA moment:
Best VA Quote:
Other Fandoms. Television Shows:
TV Ship:
Favorite Books(OTHER than VA!):
Book Ships:
Favorite Movies:
Your Favorite Celebs:
Favorite Bands/Artists:
The Rest. Hobbies:
My Journal is (Public/Friends Only):
Don't Add me if:
Anything else to add?
PASS IT ON:">the Vampire Academy friending meme.