Title: Operation L'Amour
satirical_dreamrating: PG-13
Warning: France being France, England's Mouth
Description: Alfred and Arthur are both quite in love with one another, but they're stuck dancing around each other and can't seem to get together. Arthur makes a deal with Francis in an attempt to get help with the problem, but when Alfred sees them together, he becomes jealous.
Original Request: America and England have been dancing around each other for a while, both can't seem to ask each other out. England then starts to spend too much time hanging out with France (when in reality, he's trying to get help from him) and America gets jealous.
*Not required, but I would love it if they somehow include Prussia/Canada <3
Chapter 1
http://undone-reading.livejournal.com/4091.html Chapter 2
http://undone-reading.livejournal.com/4096.html Chapter 3
http://undone-reading.livejournal.com/4359.html Chapter 4
http://undone-reading.livejournal.com/4795.html Chapter 5