
Mar 09, 2009 10:53

This was written spontaneously in response to 'Why Slumdog Millionaire is unbelievable' in the print edition of Mint Lounge a couple of weeks back ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

asakiyume March 9 2009, 13:59:04 UTC
Usha, your response was wonderful. What struck me most in reading the initial article by Mr. Patel was, indeed, how sweeping his generalization was. It just seemed like it *had* to be wrong.

I haven't worked with the poor, but news stories I read all the time are about people who, precisely, like the examples you give, show dignity, curiosity, generosity, etc., in spite of life circumstances. As you say, it's not that all people can rise above their circumstances, but some do. ... Of course, the ones who cannot still deserve help and aid too...


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