Weeeellllp, I finally finished the first chapter of The La Force Legacy! Though I'm not really sure who I'm speaking to..
Ah well. Lemme know what you think! (:
You know the girl who sits in the back row every day in high school? The girl who fumbles and stutters on her words, if she speaks at all? The girl whose favorite passions most other girls would label ‘geeky’. The small, mousy, lanky, gangly girl with the giant thick rimmed glasses?
Shiloh: “Ahem. Standing right here!”
If so, then you’ve already met Shiloh La Force. But allow me to formally introduce you.
Meet Shiloh La Force, geek girl extraordinaire. She’s a neurotic, eccentric, artistic, bookworm who finds it difficult to act her age. Among her favorite things are custom music, grilled cheese sandwiches, and the color green. Her Lifetime Wish is Illustrious Author. She also (ironically) enjoys anything having to do with the movie franchise Star Wars, and oodles of other so called ‘geeky’ subjects. Give her a Pokémon card and she’ll be your most loyal friend for life.
Anyway, let us continue.
Shiloh: “As much as I adore Princess Leia, I’d really prefer it if you put my regular hair back now.”
Thiiiiis close. Thiiiiiiiiis close to making her wear her hair that way. (:<
Shiloh: “Where... am I?”
Some huuuge community lot that I converted to residential so you could live here. None of the other lots were big enough.
Shiloh: “...‘Big’ enough? For what?”
Your family’s soon-to-be-ever-growing Legacy home, of course!
Shiloh: “SWEET JESUS. Oh dear lord. Please don’t tell me I’m in a lega-”
That’s right, YOU’RE IN A LEGACY! *trumpets sound and confetti falls* Your very own, for that matter. Congratulations!
Shiloh: “This. Is not. Good. This is a joke, right? BEAM ME UP, SCOTTY!”
Sorry Shiloh, it’s no joke. And there is no Scotty to beam you up.
Shiloh: “I don’t recall telling you my name...”
You didn’t. I just know it.
Shiloh: “You’re not creepy. That was sarcasm, by the way.”
Was it? I couldn’t tell.
Shiloh: “So was that.”
Look on the bright side. You’ve got a nice, big lot that didn’t cost you a fortune. Sure, the scenery leaves a little to be desired...
Shiloh: “A little to be desired? I live in a SWAMP.”
Well... you could pretend you just crash-landed on some strange swamp planet.
Shiloh: “Don’t have to pretend. It already feels that way.”
Twinbrook is hardly a foreign planet. I mean I know some strange people live here, but they’re not aliens for God’s sake.
And hey! Cheer up, I just finished building your new house.
Shiloh: “I know, I know. This is the part where I say ‘HOUSE?!!?!?! Looks more like a SHACK to me!!’. But you actually didn’t do to bad, size wise anyway.”
Thank you. (:
Aerial view.
We had just enough money to buy an easel for Shiloh’s artistic tendencies.
Shiloh: “Welp, I’m in. This place has lights. Hell yes.”
Naturally, the first thing Shiloh does when she steps inside is paint. Her LTW is Illustrious Author, after all.
Shiloh: “My first painting- done.”
Great! What.. is it?
Shiloh: “You can’t tell? It’s Luke destroying the Death Star. I think I did a pretty nifty job.”
Ohhhh. Yeah. Still don’t see it.
Because of Shiloh’s quickly developing “art skillz”, I sent her to Town Hall to register as a self-employed painter.
While Shiloh was inside, a protest group formed outside of Town Hall...
...who really, really wanted their computers. I scanned the group for potential spouses without much luck.
Not terrible, but could be better.
Uh, no.
How’d it go?
Shiloh: “Level one in the painter career. Not exactly gonna bring in the big bucks right away... but I think my paintings are more of an acquired taste.”
That’s for sure.
Because it’s right across the street, I sent Shiloh to Central Park to search for her future husband.
...But it ended up to be pretty much empty, besides the two taken, average-looking men right in front of Shiloh.
Shiloh: “Taken? As in, taken together?” *gigglesnort*
That wasn’t very nice.
Shiloh: “Eh. I’m not very nice.”
Shiloh: “Holy fishsticks, Batman! My hands are fish!”
That’s the childish trait kickin’ in.
Shiloh: “Carnivorous cannibalistic fishy ATTACK!”
Shiloh: “Aww... carnivorous cannibalistic fishy feels bad. He sowwy.”
It’s been a productive day.
Shiloh: “SWING. We better have one of these when I’m rich.”
Will do.
Alas, our search continued onward. No potential hubbies at the beach.
None at the gym.
So Shiloh went home, made herself some autumn salad..
...and ate it on the toilet.
Shiloh: “I don’t see anywhere else to sit, COUGH COUGH.”
You’re the painter here! I don’t bring in the simoleons!
Shiloh then proceeded to paint,
then go to bed. And do you know what she did, first thing the next day?
Got up to paint.
Shiloh: “What else am I gonna do? You don’t have any video games laying around, let alone a computer! I’m being technologically starved!”
You’ll live.
Shiloh: “Wah la! A self-portrait.”
It looks.. just like you. We gotta get you out of this house.
Shiloh: “Alright, but I gotta check the sink first. You never know when it could leak and flood the entire house.”
Neurotic sims, amiright? XD
Shiloh: “When you said ‘out of the house’ I figured we’d go to a nearby park somewhere, not HELL ON EARTH.”
It’s a swimming pool. What’s so harmless about a swimming pool?
Shiloh: “Where to begin! I have terribly fair skin and sunburn easily, a low self-esteem combined with a bad case of social anxiety and awkwardness, and-and... not the greatest ‘beach bod’, as the hip kids say.”
Head, meet desk. Desk, head. *THONK*
There’s your man, Justin Kayes. He’s creepin’.
Shiloh: “Creepers! I forgot to add creepers to the list. Now can we go?”
Yeah, there’s no one here worth attempting to breed you with, anyway.
He is really creepin’.
We stopped by the park before returning home, where something horrible happened to Shiloh’s leg.
Shiloh: “You’re crazy, my leg feels fine!”
It doesn’t look fine. It looks horrifyingly painful. Ah, Sim glitchery.
How are you?
Shiloh: “Depressed because I’m guy repellent.”
Don’t worry, Shi. You’ll knock ‘em dead when you meet him.
Shiloh: “Ice cream’s my new boyfriend. Don’t hate.”
Shiloh: “What in all hell was that?”
My idea noise. Call for a pizza.
Shiloh: “Why? I just ate.”
Beeeecause, someone’s gotta bring the pizza. Namely, a guy.
Shiloh: “Oh. OH. Calling!”
Shiloh: “Sounds like the pizza guy.”
Of looooove. (;
Shiloh: “Well hello there sir, and thank you for delivering this pizza to me on this fine-”
Oh crap.
Shiloh: “Well. This certainly isn’t what I had in mind.”
Shiloh: “Huuuummm, how can I say this... I don’t need this anymore. Can I get a refund?”
PizzaLady: “No.”
Sorry Shi. I thought that would’ve worked for sure.
Shiloh: “Ah well. That lady had a stick shoved up on her ass anyway. Leftover pizza!”
I’ll leave it at that for now. Don’t want to make the chapters too horribly looooong. Thanks for reading if you did, and please don’t be shy about leaving a comment. (: Check back soon!