Lord get me out of this city tonight

Aug 09, 2010 03:38

 Well hello! Haven't done something like this in such a long time. Weird.

If the huge banner at the top of the page wasn't any indication of what the purpose of this blog is, then... I'm sorry. Next time I'll be slightly more obvious. Or, you know, you could always be slightly less ignorant. Kidding of course.

This is the place my legacy (The La Force Family Legacy) shall call home for (hopefully) ten generations and beyond. I'm going to try to make it as unique, quirky, and humorous as possible. Shouldn't be too hard with a founder like mine. (; I know. Everyone says that.

I'll also try to update as much and as quickly as possible, though I can't make any promises. Like most teenage girls, I've got school/family/friends/other things to attend to, so more than likely I'll be fairly busy some weeks and won't find time to loose myself in The Sims. Oh, but I will try.

That's about all I can think of to say right now. Expect the first chapter within the next week. Here's to hoping you'll like it and might drop a comment to let me know just what you think! Thanks. (:

legacies, the sims 3, legacy

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