Backtagging: Yes please!
Threadhopping: Sure, unless it looks private.
Fourthwalling: Anything but telling him he's fictional is alright!
Offensive subjects (elaborate): None
Hugging this character: Sure! Especially the ~ladies~
Kissing this character: Men will probably get punched. Women he'll encourage!
Flirting with this character: In Route Jiraiya flirts with YOU. (lol yes~)
Fighting with this character: Sure!
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Comedic violence is always a go, more serious injuries are case by case.
Killing this character: No.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: N/A
Warnings: Jiraiya will ogle and/or hit on any women over 18, and he'll flirt persistently with women 25 and older.
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