??? | Goldenrod Radio Tower | Broadcast;

Aug 20, 2011 23:59

[Ladies and gentlemen of Johto, we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming this evening for a Very Special Radio Broadcast™, coming to you direct from Goldenrod Radio Tower...and conveniently lacking in all those pesky little bits of red tape like authorization and advance permission that just get in the way of the showAs such, the usual ( Read more... )

always glorious always victorious, charming disarming and quite alarming, the gentleman and the trickster, such a nice boy, somehow this is all niou's fault, who let them out in public, be awed by our shenanigans, no really i'm the responsible one, ▶ goldenrod city, anniversary, ore-sama ore-sama

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Comments 139

action; what no i didn't almost forget this thread futariniousama August 21 2011, 04:34:47 UTC
[ When the tango ends, their momentum comes to a smooth, if sudden halt, with Niou's weight resting in Yagyuu's arms, and for half a second, he swears if the bastard drops him - but he can't focus on that for long, because Yagyuu's holding him up seemingly effortlessly, and there's not nearly enough distance between them, and has he always thought Atobe was this attractive?

He remembers to breathe after a moment, slowly and carefully, without taking his eyes off his partner. He doesn't move. ]


action; never too late to tango usedlaserbeam August 26 2011, 00:53:05 UTC
[It's a good thing Niou doesn't voice those concerns aloud, because Atobe wouldn't be the only one offended by the implication that he'd ever drop one of his partners-or indeed, that he'd be careless enough to be anything other than in complete control of the situation. And for the moment, it is the two of them together, Atobe's arrogance and Yagyuu's dominance meshed together into one; Atobe's face with Yagyuu's eyes searching, for once unshielded by lenses of glass ( ... )


action; futariniousama August 26 2011, 22:48:24 UTC
[ Bits and pieces of Niou struggle for the right to represent him in this situation. The competitive, Rikkai-loyal streak wants to take offense at Atobe, so fantastically self-assured and infuriatingly charismatic; the girl he's pretending to be wants to surrender to those same frustrating qualities and be swept away; some well-hidden part of Niou can see nothing but Yagyuu, serene and confident and predatory, like some breathtaking jungle cat all Niou's own. Still and all, there's something in him that won't let go of their surroundings, listening intently as the next song cues up and keeping an ear out for the loud voice of the law approaching.

So it takes him a moment to answer, searching for the right response and the right voice to deliver it in. At last, feminine but strong, unfaltering: ]

Oh, honey. You're gonna have to try a little harder than that if you're looking to leave me breathless.


action; usedlaserbeam August 26 2011, 23:31:52 UTC
[This isn't the first time he's seen this guise of Niou's in action, but it's the first time he's seen it that, strangely, he finds he doesn't want to break it. It's different when they're both safe behind someone else's identity-even when that someone else is simply each other-when the things they say can mean less, so it's easier to voice the ones that mean more. And so he's glad, in a way, that his response comes in that smooth alto he's been enjoying all night, because it means this illusion, the one they're sharing, will stay intact a little longer.]

An encore already?

[As he shifts, raising his partner slightly before dipping him back even lower than before, even more off-balance. This is the part he-one of him, at least-loves the most: the sheer control over every aspect of their situation.]

How selfish of the lady.


Call: General restardom August 21 2011, 08:17:13 UTC
[ oh, god. Rise's been spending most of her time with Kanji in the Center today, but those voices are unmistakable. One, because she's never going to be able to get over just how feminine Niou can sound, and two, because Atobe's voice, whether it's actually Atobe's or not, is always going to make her cringe ever so slightly.

Is that--

Did they really--

Did those two seriously--

Oh, god, Yuushi's not going to be happy--

But still, she's got to give them props if it is them, so--

... well.

Have a call from a cheery voice. ]

Now that beats lullabies and marches any day!


Call: General usedlaserbeam August 22 2011, 03:59:05 UTC
[It's a familiar voice to Yagyuu, but naturally Atobe would treat all his callers equally--as though it was the highest privilege that he'd even deigned to allow them to speak with him.]

Of course it does, caller. Ore-sama's taste is, as always, impeccable.


Call: General restardom August 22 2011, 17:50:36 UTC
And your lovely partner has the same taste, it sounds like.


Call: General usedlaserbeam August 22 2011, 20:49:15 UTC
[So smug right now.]

Just one of the many reasons why I keep her around.


Call: Ask Ore-sama loseyoursenses August 21 2011, 08:43:37 UTC
[Ah, his doubles team. Should he have expected this? Yes. Did he? Well, he certainly expected something.]

What a nice change of pace. I must admit, Johto does lack a bit when it comes to culture.

Would it be untoward to ask for some advice from such cultured people as yourselves?


Call: Ask Ore-sama usedlaserbeam August 22 2011, 04:19:12 UTC
[...Oh. Oh, boy. Okay, Yagyuu, don't choke. You mouthed off to Sanada before while wearing Niou's face. You can arrogance it up to Yukimura.

...Because naturally, Atobe would, wouldn't he?]

That is, naturally, the purpose of this segment--to let Ore-sama bestow the full breadth of his wisdom upon your unfortunate lives. So tell us, caller, what problem have you brought before us today?


Call: Ask Ore-sama loseyoursenses August 22 2011, 05:53:13 UTC
[Of course he would, and Yukimura expects nothing less.]

An upsetting one indeed, but I'm sure someone of your wisdom will be able to help me.

Say that you had a dear friend - or two - who'd lied to you. They follow your orders, and naturally this means they must be given some sort of discipline. Lying is wrong, after all. What task would you set them, in such a case?


Call: Ask Ore-sama usedlaserbeam August 22 2011, 21:02:56 UTC
Ah~ It is a serious matter. No wonder you've come seeking my profound guidance.

[Play it up, Yagyuu, play it up.]

Even a dear friend should never be allowed to forget that he - or they - are, of course, still subordinate to your command. Obviously, all of you can't boast nearly the same prowess as I can, but the point still holds, even in a diminished way. And for a transgression as ill-mannered and presumptuous as lying, the punishment must naturally equal the severity of the offense.

[A pause.]

Thus, dear friend or not, I'd be forced to ban them from any use of my private island for no less than six months, revoke all helicopter privileges, and suspend their expenses account with my fabulously successful multinational company until they'd sufficiently atoned for their sins.


REACTION (may become call later) i_in_team August 21 2011, 08:52:15 UTC
[Looking down at the radio, Ryoma rolls his eyes so hard it's amazing they stay in his head.] ... You've got to be KIDDING me...


[Call: General] foolishwren August 21 2011, 19:07:43 UTC
[... Wow. Man, it's easy to forget what a real orchestra sounds like after being in Johto for so long.]

.... Talk about a breath of fresh air.

What ELSE you got in there?


[Call: General] usedlaserbeam August 22 2011, 04:04:41 UTC
[So arrogant. So haughty. So superior. This is the voice of Ore-sama.]

Ah~n? You don't really think this is the best we can do, do you? Don't you know you always save the best for last?


[Call: General] foolishwren August 22 2011, 18:57:04 UTC
Oh yeah?

Wow me.


[Call: General] usedlaserbeam August 22 2011, 21:15:16 UTC
Haven't you ever heard the phrase, 'patience is a virtue'?


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