Okay, so most of you by now know that I am involved with/living with/dating/what-have-you
ciryatureseaelf (I know, she never updates. She claims she has nothing to say. Even though she can RP like a scary mofo ninja. I think she's letting her shyness get the better of her). And that both of our mothers have some issues with things.
Wanna hear something funny?
Reason #365 Why I'm Glad My Mother Isn't Passive-Agressive )
Comments 10
Which is a way of saying, *hugs* to both you guys. The sorts of things parents will inflict on their children never cease to amaze me.
*hugs* Thanks. It's really true; I have other friends who are undergoing other fun parent drama too, as I type. I guess I sort of assumed that once you were out of the house it might lighten up a little. It was very silly of me. >.<
And yeah, deliberate use of Donna family icon is deliberate. ^_^
My cousin got a tattoo a few years back and, after showing it to his mom (and after she'd settled down), decided to inform his dad thus: "Dad, I've got a tattoo." *starts to pull down pants* *dad freaks* *pulls up pants" "Okay, no, actually, it's here." *shows tattoo on ankle* *dad does not spaz after all* I'd try that on mine, except I'm pretty sure they'd still lose their shit anyway.
Hoo boy. Noble-esque drama is not something that anyone should ever have to endure.
...I think that may be the best way to tell your parents about a tattoo ever. Are you sure they wouldn't see the humor in it?
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