Drabble Request Meme

Jul 10, 2012 10:55

This is probably a bad time to do this, since I'm going on vacation today and will be gone for a week. But I was inspired by rose-of-pollux. And hoping this'll get me out of my writing funk, I've decided to give this a try...again.

Considering no one requested anything the last time I did, though, I'm not expecting much this time around...heheh...

Give me a first line, or last line, and I'll write a drabble for it.

No higher than PG-13, please. And I can only write het pairings if you ask for romance. As for fandoms...um...well, since I haven't really done anything lately, I can't say for sure what I'd be willing to write. Hmm...

So uh...maybe request three different fandoms? Preferably one from my fandom and shipping list, and most probably one that I've already written before, and I'll see what I can come up with for the line (or lines, maybe a line for each fandom? If you want to do that, that's fine too).

If I do get requests, I'll try to check for them sometime during the week while I'm gone. Goodness knows I'll need something to do while waiting in all those lines I'm going to be standing in...

Anyway, that's about it, I guess. See you all when I get back!

meme, comic con, writing, real life

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