Well, all good things must come to an end...

Jul 18, 2012 00:29

So in a few hours, my siblings and I have to get up so we can make the five hour drive back home, thus ending our vacation. It was a lot of fun - before, during, and after Comic Con. I'll post another entry with highlights from the trip sometime later (because there were a lot of things that I want to mention, heehee).

In the meantime, I noticed that I only got one request for the Drabble Request Meme I put up a while back (which is...one more request than I expected, honestly). But I thought I'd give it another chance before posting up the result. So if anyone has any requests, feel free to let me know and I'll get working on it.

So that's about it for the moment. Now, I'm going to procrastinate packing my things away by watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire before heading to bed. Night all!

meme, comic con, writing, real life

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