The vice-presidential debates are over. What do you think? Did you hear from Sarah Palin anything other than the standard set of “folksy colloquialisms” (as
Tom Shales from the Washington Post calls it ) and her traditional mantras such as “Washington outsider”, “maverick” and the need to “combat the Wall Street greed”? And what about Joe Biden,
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Comments 68
By the way, Hitler had chants for his political campaigns, too. And he also censored the common man, just like Barack Obama and people working for his campaign do. Think about it.
I'm sure I'll regret asking this, but who has Obama censored?
McCain's chant of "Change" is a completely false one. If he wanted to present real change in his campaign, he would have voted against the current administration more than 10% of the time. But I understand; McCain has to tow the party line to garner the votes of the party.
See? It has as much substance as yours and makes the same assertive statements, and means just as much. (In other words, absolutely nothing.)
In a typical blog, questions are slanted all the time; that's what they're there for. But you're representing a newspaper for the purpose of reporting news on the election. I would've expected the wording to be more unbiased. I'm not familiar with the policies of Russian reporters and newspapers, so I can't speak with authority in that regard. But in the US we consider a post like this to be baiting the reader, using creative wordplay to try and garner a more directional response from them.
Just my two cents. As for your question, I felt both Biden and Palin conducted themselves fine, all things considered. Both misrepresented certain facts, but I challenge anyone to point out an 'honest politician'.
I can say the same things about Obama/McCain... Obama fresh, McCain jaded...
I am actually tired of the professional politicians... I vote for term limits on Congress too. And to make it even better, once you have served your term limit in one position, you are no longer eligible for any other position; in other words no drifting from House to Senate, to President/VP, etc... NO CAREER IN POLITICS... do your duty and go away... it would bring the lobbyist and special interest groups under control too...
But I digress... Your question is slanted... obviously... Please, if you are going to claim to be a non-biased reporter interested in honest and open conversation, verify that you are not stacking the deck before you even deal the first card...
Unrelated, I've noticed that comments by the community seem to have much of the same slant. There have been only a handful of people who support the McCain/Palin ticket compared to those who support Obama/Biden. It's something I've been noticing since the beginning and have been wanting to mention. Again, I'm not really sure what it reflects, aside from the demographic that would join this community is more likely to be Democrat.
In my area (northwestern Florida), at least, Bush and company have proven to be astonishingly skilled at escaping responsibility for their actions in the minds of the public. It kind of freaks me out, to be honest.
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