No one will be more relieved than John McCain if a major crisis erupts on Thursday to overshadow the debate between the vice-presidential candidates, Sarah Palin and Joe Biden.
Alaska's one-term governor is hugely popular with voters, but she is also a liability for the Republican ticket, as her
painful-to-watch interview last week with Katie
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Comments 132
I'm sure Biden would beat her, he's an experienced guy.
She has no idea of what she's doing, and I think she was idiotic to try to tackle being a VP with so little idea of how things really work in the "lower 48"
She needs to go home and look after things there, and let McCain find someone who won't be such an embarrassment every time they open their mouth.
My theory has been, from the beginning, that the republicans chose her not for her experience, or what she could bring to the table, but as a distraction for the media so they wouldn't have to face any real issues. With all the various scandals against her, she gets to play the victim, so anything more bad against her would just cause people to roll their eyes instead of consider if there is any merit.
The big flaw with the plan, of course, is that two months is a long time to keep someone under wraps. I think that is starting to come out, and no matter how much they tried to dumb down the VP debate for her, I have a feeling train wreck will be a very good description of what happens next Friday.
The McCain camp knows she's from some back woods place and doesn't know shiyt. It would be stupid to let her go on tv and show everyone else how little she knows. Thats why all her speeches have been carefully scripted, and she's not allowed out in public.
I mean, I agree she is a total train wreck. I also know they never in a million years would have picked a man with her lack of qualifications. But they did pick her, so why aren't they preparing her better? Why aren't they telling her how to approach things beyond the talking points?
The McCain campaign staff is FAILING. I'm thankful that they are failing, because I get to see how little Mrs. Palin really knows... but have no doubt that in the realm of politics and successful campaigning... they are FAILING.
Barak has always looked prepared, for all the shouting about his "lack of experience". He has never said (to my knowledge), "I'll have to get back to you on that." The McCain campaign is just not doing their job.
I've never seen any evidence, however, that the general public pays much notice to who the vice presidential candidate is.
Very true. History has shown that VP pick has never had a huge impact on the polls. But then, I'm not sure if there have been very many VPs who have drawn so much attention. She's gotten more media coverage and more interest than any of the major candidates, despite the protection from the media she has been getting.
Oh, and as far as living and letting live, with the exception of abortion (which I really don't care to get into right now), just about all of her "sins" have been of the "this is what I believe, but if you don't, it's ok" variety.
On the other hand, Obama wants to confiscate the wealth of the rich and of the corporations. Yeah, I know, y'all have no sympathy for them. There are good victims and bad victims I notice. He wants to disarm the population (he only switched to supporting the second amendment when the Supreme Court ruled, and his voting record sets lie to his words), and has twice tried to use law enforcement to silence his opposition.
I love watching the left resort to their old stereotypes.
When you take money from them, via the police power of the state, it's confiscation.
Businesses and corporations don't belong to everyone. Their belong the the entrepreneur who started them, or jointly to the shareholders who own their stock. So, yes, it IS confiscation to take from them.
So your accusation of stereotyping is soundly rejected. As is the unspoken implication of hypocrisy.
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