Spent the evening getting my laptop configured. Blew up after installing the virus program. Had a hell of a time troubleshooting that. Finally reverted to the last known good system restore and that fixed it. Like a dummy I installed it again - yup, the virus app was the problem. Did the system restore again and have decided to leave it alone for
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Comments 10
I'd be onnit all day Saturday too 'cept I have D&D.
Sunday should be an all-day affair though, make no mistake!
What's the first instance you wanna go through?
Monday could be BBQ instead, but otherwise it's D&D as per normal for the evening.
All this gaming is cutting in to my gaming time!
When I opened my new compy, it asked me what language to use and then asked me if I had a Mac I wanted to transfer stuff from. I did! It said to connect a firewire cable twixt 'em and then started the transfer. Then it was time for The Da Vinci Code.
When I got back home, everything was done and everything, all my account settings and passwords and apps and everything, are all just like they were on the previous machine, with new stuff on the new compy there too!
Just like it's supposed to be!
In the future!
Oooh, my. What a difference decent graphics make! I can always see the ground when I fly and see the island statue just off the dock in Booty Bay and gosh, the glows and effects and stuff!
Marvelous! It's like a whole new game!
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