In other news…

May 18, 2012 01:33

…Dial wants Hamster Princess. Three books of Hamster Princess! Oh god, I am SO happy-A) I love that book, I love the heroine, I love her riding quail Mumfrey, and B) I hate pitching series ideas a lot and was down to “Lawn Flamingo with Lawn Gnome Sidekick. They fight crime!” and it was actually starting to sound GOOD in my head.*

And also they ( Read more... )


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Comments 59

My son was reading before Danny... bloodsong1 May 18 2012, 03:30:07 UTC
But he always gets SO excited when he gets a new one. Which reminds me, I need to pre order! Because as soon as he finishes, I read it.

We still randomly act out the first three pages of Ninja Frogs and we HAVE to do it at least twice so all of us can say "Do you want pepperoni on that?"

I will also be watching for Hamster Princess!


Re: My son was reading before Danny... sesmo May 18 2012, 05:32:52 UTC
Eating hot dogs at our house has gotten ever so much more interesting, since we acquired that book...


dsgood May 18 2012, 03:36:59 UTC


dsgood May 18 2012, 03:38:20 UTC
He's too good for Heaven. She's too evil for Hell. Together, they destroy imperfect universes.


lauragarabedian May 18 2012, 03:46:02 UTC
Congratulations!!! That is fantastic news!!!


archangelbeth May 18 2012, 03:49:54 UTC
Congrats!! Also, yay!!

(Tell your agent to keep pushing Regency Ninja, though, too, yes? Even if she has to give you an open pseudonym because Regency Ninja are a little more mature than Danny.)


thebluerose May 18 2012, 05:13:17 UTC
OMG I am so hanging out for Regency Ninja, SO MUCH


schreibergasse May 18 2012, 15:14:19 UTC
Thirded! Personally, I wish you could make "Regency Ninja/Other partially-completed novels/Irrational Fears pt. the Nth/New comic?/whatever" the other slot, alongside Breadwizard/Viking Hamsters...but hey. Dumptrucks of money, and mass literacy!

Mucho congratulations on that, btw! I mean, by the time Hamster Princess gets published my now-four-year-old will probably be reading Dragonbreath, but I will still buy it.


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