Title: don't say goodnight Pairing: Kai/fem!Kyungsoo Genre: angst Length: 835w Warnings: This was an ask.fm drabble, i have nevvverrrr written fem!soo Summary: Pearl Harbour!AU - Hope is Kyungsoo's last toxic resort.
These kinds of stories remind me to never marry a man in uniform. Too painful. And daddy!jongin talking about his royal highness and the fetus's italicized thingy is just asking for tears. ♥
oh god this was so short, but i liked it so much ;u; i love war!aus, and this one was heartbreaking. jongin's uncertainty about whether or not he'd be back tugged on my heartstrings and ajksfakhfa they have a kid ;uuuu; screams over this
Oh god all I feel is pain. I don't think there's ever been a fic like this before. Whenever you see girl!soo they're always teens or something, you never see them in serious relationships like this. I really, really like it, and I loved this. Oh man. Oh man oh maaaaan
Comments 8
And daddy!jongin talking about his royal highness and the fetus's italicized thingy is just asking for tears.
this was so short, but i liked it so much ;u; i love war!aus, and this one was heartbreaking.
jongin's uncertainty about whether or not he'd be back tugged on my heartstrings and ajksfakhfa they have a kid ;uuuu;
screams over this
kidding i love you
I don't think there's ever been a fic like this before. Whenever you see girl!soo they're always teens or something, you never see them in serious relationships like this. I really, really like it, and I loved this. Oh man. Oh man oh maaaaan
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