fic: the off season (mylar ficathon)

Jul 22, 2007 04:24

Title: The Off Season
Author: unrequited_rain
Recipient: cerebel
Genre: gen/misc
Prompt: stranger than fiction
Rating: PG
Summary: What happens to the characters when the show's not on?
Word Count: 438
Disclaimer: unfortunately I don't own any of these characters, as much as I'd LIKE to. I'm just playing in Tim Krieng's and Jo Rowling and Joss Whedon's sandboxesAuthor's ( Read more... )

fic, heroes, crack, fic: mohinder/sylar, fic: mine

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Comments 15

razisquared July 22 2007, 11:31:37 UTC
You might want to post a spoiler warning for the ones who haven't gotten to that part me. :p.. other than that, nice idea.


unrequited_rain July 22 2007, 20:51:55 UTC
oh man! I'm so sorry! 4am=not the time to be posting, I just wanted to get it up because it was late, I'll fix it


ex_nothingto835 July 22 2007, 11:42:06 UTC
Hah, I loved this! Also, I love that you mentioned how Sylar had just got back from Scotland after a fic- it means that I can be an infant and squee "IT'S MINE!!!". funny. I didn't know that "movement" had begun! I love fandoms.


unrequited_rain July 22 2007, 21:05:13 UTC
oh yes, the comm for it is really big already it's the_ass_ship and honestly, I just picked Scotland because I want to visit there some day :D I didn't know there really was fic set there XD


ex_nothingto835 July 22 2007, 22:29:42 UTC
Heehee, what an awesome name for a ship... Oh wow, I didn't mean that my fic was set here in Scotland, more that I live here, but oh my GOD I wonder if I could write a fic that could get Sylar and Mohinder to live in Glasgow?

*holds you responsible for resulting disastrous fiction*


unrequited_rain July 23 2007, 00:22:09 UTC
*tries to feel bad and failz* :D I would TOTALLY read that XD


wymsie July 22 2007, 12:50:14 UTC
This is cute, but I agree, there needs to be a spoiler warning for that fandom. I've just started in that fandom and by now I've been spoiled for a lot of the show (happens when reading fic before getting the dvds), but some really hate being spoiled and spoilers can be really hard to avoid when there's no warnings. ;)

Again, it's a cute idea. What do fic writers do during summer break/haitus? Fix everything the show screwed up. So true. lol


unrequited_rain July 22 2007, 21:12:43 UTC
sorry, I didn't think to say anything about BTVS either. I've watched them since pretty much the beginning and they've been over for I think four years, but still I'm sorry. 4am=not really thinking time for me :( I didn't think very many would get the Buffy reference so I didn't even think.


wymsie July 23 2007, 15:13:26 UTC
I wasn't talking about BTVS, no worries about spoiling people for that. It's a bit too late, methinks. But I had read the spoiler as being for Supernatural (it's very similar to something I've heard) and didn't realize it had spoilers for HP;DH since I haven't started it yet. eeep Seems the majority of my flist was right about staying off LJ.


unrequited_rain July 23 2007, 18:12:25 UTC
oh, see I don't watch Supernatural so I didn't realise the similarities. I'm sorry I spoiled you!


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unrequited_rain July 23 2007, 00:23:19 UTC
this is true. and Harry's oldest is 12 so that's still seven years unaccounted for.


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unrequited_rain July 23 2007, 00:23:51 UTC
your icon! <3

thanks for reading!


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