fic: the off season (mylar ficathon)

Jul 22, 2007 04:24

Title: The Off Season
Author: unrequited_rain
Recipient: cerebel
Genre: gen/misc
Prompt: stranger than fiction
Rating: PG
Summary: What happens to the characters when the show's not on?
Word Count: 438
Disclaimer: unfortunately I don't own any of these characters, as much as I'd LIKE to. I'm just playing in Tim Krieng's and Jo Rowling and Joss Whedon's sandboxes
Author's Note: pure pure 100% unadulterated crack. I have no excuse for this. and it's a little late because Deathly Hallows ATE MY SOUL
also: does Mohinder have a balcony? if not he does now! also also: unbeta'd because I wanted this to get out


Mohinder had woken up that morning and everything was... well a little off. Everything was a lot brighter than it had seemed yesterday. All the colours seemed... almost happier. And he could smell coffee coming from his kitchen. This sure was a strange summer. Last month everything had been dark and depressing. He always felt like never leaving his apartment and finding somewhere to hide and brood over his situation. But now even he felt happier to be in his surroundings. He felt like everything was going to work out and be okay, if only he could find out who was making that coffee.

He stumbled out to the kitchen and was surprised to see Sylar standing at the kitchen counter nursing a coffee cup and two teenage boys sleeping huddled together on the couch.

Sylar noticed Mohinder wandering in and came over with a mug of coffee. Three sugars, no cream. Just the way he liked it. Mohinder threw Sylar a puzzled look but he just got two more mugs of coffee and set then on the table in front of the two boys.

Sylar walked over to Mohinder and started talking in hushed tones. "I know you're probably wondering why I'm here, and who they are."

"Yeah, just a bit." Mohinder said leading Sylar towards the other room.

"Well, you know it's the off season, the show's not on. So now we mostly do whatever the fanfiction writers tell us to do. I just got back from a few fics over in England and Scotland and now I had to come over here." Sylar looked around sheepishly.

"But that doesn't explain who they are." Mohinder looked pointedly at the pair on the couch, still fast asleep.

"Ah, I met them through mutual crossover friends. A very nice blonde girl with superstrength and a red-headed wicca. But these two, their fic writers are going crazy trying to patch stuff up."

Mohinder gave Sylar a heated look that told him to elaborate or else.

"Apparently their canon ended a few days ago and the readers just found out they marry."

"Oh that's not so bad, each other?"

"No, women." Sylar looked saddened at the thought.

"Ouch." Mohinder looked at Sylar and felt the same way.

"Yeah. But apparently there's an epilogue and there's a movement started rooting for their boys."

"That's nice." Mohinder said as they started out toward the tiny balcony.

They sat down next to each other and looked out at the sunrise over the city.

"The slashers will out." Mohinder chuckled.

Sylar looked dopily at Mohinder. "No," he started to flush. "Love will out."

fic, heroes, crack, fic: mohinder/sylar, fic: mine

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