Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Jul 21, 2007 16:14

first chapter... WTF?? It was just weird. no comments other than that.


the seven Harrys thing made me lulz :D and THEN GEORGE&FRED oh my god I love them. mum'll be able to tell us apart now!

and Hermione summoning the Horcrux books was good :D it's like she didn't think there would be protections on them. unless Dumbleydore really was thinking even more ahead than we knew. or maybe the protection's on the library itself and not the books. or there just isn't any on them at all... *ponders a bit*

also: that was a bit of luck with the basilisk fang in COS ;) funny how those thing happen.

and HAHAHA Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches men are alike in EVERY culture.

also Hermione PWNED him with the whole lawyer bit XD

"Maybe he thought it would look nice on my wall." is when I decided the books were getting EXTREMELY hillarious.

Gid&Fab=Molly's brothers :D WHEE

Luna and her dad are AWESOME their interaction is just ace :D

I wibbled a bit when Viktor showed up because I was all GOF!! CEDRIC!!! *wibble*

ALSO: I agree with whoever said it should be called Harry Potter and the Backstory of Albus Dumbledore.

The talking patronus thing was interesting, although more than a bit convenient.

also the tracking name thingie=very convenient.

one of those muggle women in bikini's is TOTALLY Farrah Fawcett XD I mean come on XD he would have been a teenager in the late 70's (also girls=smokescreen for his torrid love affair with Remus XD)

Lily's letter to Sirius <3

also: RAB=totally obvious it was Sirius's brother. I did however tear up a bit when reading the whole bit in the lake ans what Regulus did.

I HAD SUCH HOPE WHEN REMUS WAS ALL I SHOULD NEVER HAVE MARRIED HER! SUCH HOPE! And Harry makes him go back. I was a bit saddened, but totally understandable. I look at Remus/Tonks like an arranged marriage. Eventually they loved each other enough but it's no grand-passion-love-of-your-life like Remus/Sirius

HAHA UMBRIDGE but Mad-Eye's eye in the door was a bit creepy.

Goblins, there could be so much backstory there. Half of me kind of hopes Rowling pulls a Tolkien and writes all kinds of history like the goblin wars and the history of the founders, that kind of stuff.

Godric's Hollow *wibble*

The Deluminator=ACE I give it an A+++

The Tale of the Three Brothers reminded me of some other book I've read or maybe movie but I can't remember what.

ALSO: the whole wandlore FACINATES me. I wouldn't mind Rowling selling out if it meant seeing more of that.


Also: Diadem=WIN and how Ravenclaw's get into their Common Room is pretty awesome. I'd be terrible at it I imagine.

Rowling certainly likes to tie everything up doesn't she? Grey Lady/Bloody Baron ftw XD

Mrs. Longbottom FTW!

What was with Ron being able to speak parseltongue???

and that cup was rather anti-climactic, well... so to speak ;) even though Harry could die a virgin, seems as though Ron and Herm weren't going to have that possiblity XD

Harry and Draco TOTALLY had a moment there in the ROR and RIDING his BROOM ;) the subtext is practically text with these two.


SNAPE HOT DAMN OH MY GOD Snape and Lily knew each other growing up?!?! Practically neighbors!! Unrequited Snape/Lily was always some of my favorite.

NEVILLE OH MY GOD WIN I love Neville, always have. XD One of my first HP fanfics (never posted anywhere thank god) where Neville went on vacation in the US and came back with a girlfriend (me) and he was all tan and ripped and everybody loved him (oh god, looking back it was so horrible)

Harry in the forest with the Ressurection Stone and Sirius and Remus are together again!


King's Cross chapter was also again, very convenient with the tying up loose ends. also: Dumbledore=Human, who knew? *rolls eyes*


I feel I must reiterate I LOVE NEVILLE SO MUCH OH MY GOD<333

again with Jo tying up loose ends, but it was a convenient loose end. GO KREACHER!


ooh wandlore, seriously, I want more of it. GO HARRY WITH THE PWNAGE!


and Harry fixing his wand :D I want more wandlore seriously.

and the epilogue makes me lulz XD Albus Severus, the poor kid. at least he goes to wizard school where people will get the names, and not muggle public school where the kid would probably get a swirly once or twice a week.

and whose kid is Victorie? I'm guessing Bill/Fleur's but? who knows.

HAHA Balding!Draco and Scorpius! that name=:D haha *wants Scorpus/Albus Severus fic XD*

harry potter: deathly hallows, spoiler of doom, harry potter

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