I Double-Dog Dare You (oneshot)

Nov 30, 2010 20:04

Cee-Cee's here! but its not a chapter of my series! :O

i was working/writing when all of sudden, a flood of ideas came to me- JongSica oneshot in the making! <3

this is a tribute to the recent death of JongSica
comments/criticism appreciated <3

DISCLAIMER: i only own this plot

I Double-Dog Dare You

Intimidated staff people hurriedly got out of the way as Jessica stormed down the hallway. Normally, she was a lovely and charming girl to be around, but everyone knew the unspoken law- when Jessica Jung was pissed, you stayed out of her way. Period. And if you were the unlucky, unfortunate soul she was mad at, well- may the gods be with you.

Kim Jonghyun, she fumed, crumpling the stupid note in her hand, was going to die today. And this time she meant it. What the hell was with that bastard. Thinking he could play her and make her his puppet dancing on strings- as if!

There were few things she hated more than players, other than snakes, walnuts and her ex-boyfriend…who technically fell into aforementioned category. In fact, she hated the idea of true love and romance altogether. What was the point of falling in love if you only got hurt?

To Jessica, love was a stupid waste of time and she couldn’t for the life of her figure out what made her dongsaengs entranced by it. She groaned to herself whenever she got up early and caught sight of Minho slipping out of Yuri’s room, Yuri standing by the doorway, giggling and leaning in to give him one last goodbye kiss. She clicked her tongue with annoyance whenever she encountered  Yoona sitting on Donghae’s lap in the lounge, noting the evident amount of skinship, particularly with Donghae and his lack of a shirt. She rolled her eyes whenever she went to the kitchen for some chocolate ice cream and found Hyoyeon and Hyukjae stuck together like two grains of sticky rice, sucking face (right over dinner, no less). Even maknae Seobaby found love, Jessica occasionally catching her and Kyuhyun together on the couch, both of them absorbed in his game of Starcraft 2 (She could only imagine that Seohyun with only a skimpy camisole on pressing her chest against him was making Kyu feel quite lucky).

She was happy for them, really, but love was still mind-boggling to Jessica.

She turned another corner and heard music streaming from a training room. There he was- that bastard. The heavy tones of “Lucifer” were pulsing in the room and Jonghyun was dancing. He may not have been as skillful as Taemin, but he sure as hell had talent. Jessica couldn’t help but stop and observe, yet she still denied with every ounce of her will the way her heart sped up as sweat trailed those perfectly toned biceps of his. She pushed away the coiling in her gut from watching his hand trail down lower and gyrate to the beat.

It was a while before Jonghyun finally noticed her by the doorway and caught her staring. His face split into an amused and cocky grin and he said, “Yah, Ice Princess. You like the view?” Jessica caught herself and gave him one of the iciest glares she could. He had always like this around her- teasing, purposely annoying her for attention and just plain pissing her off. Starting from when she met SHINee for the first time.

“You rotten, filthy, son of a bitch,” she growled, advancing to him and suddenly pounding her fists on him. When Jessica Jung got this angry, things got ugly. “Hey, hey, hey, what the are you doing?!” he cried out, attempting to dodge her attacks and finally giving up and catching hold of her wrists.

Jessica yanked herself out of his grip, shoved the crumpled note in his face and shouted, “What the hell is this, you slimy bastard?!” Jonghyun took a closer look at it and a combination of a smirk and something along the lines of a sheepish smile crossed his face. “It’s a note,” he said simply and Jessica grew even more furious. “Oh yeah, it’s a ‘note’ alright- it’s a disgusting note from YOU.” Jonghyun chuckled and said, “Jessica, you are so overreacting. It’s just a little note- what harm has it done?”

Jessica unfolded the piece of paper, and read out loud: “Your highness sexy Ice Princess dearest Jessica Jung, you were in my dreams last night. Sexing me to death as always. I know that in the deepest recesses of your heart you wish you were really there with me. God, you’re so hot. Call me whenever you’ve got some spare time, eh?” She looked up and glared at him: “You, Kim Jonghyun, are a stupid, disgusting pervert and you piss me off. A lot. And stay away from my dorm room you freak.”

As Jessica turned and was about leave the room, she felt hands grab her wrists and a smooth voice say, “Well you’re quite an angry soul. In fact, as I can recall, every time I’m with you, or say hi to you, or even look at you, you’re always angry. And you always avoid me.” Before Jessica could even blink, Jonghyun had efficiently and harshly had her pinned between him and the wall, his face only inches away from hers.

“No seriously, Jung Suyeon, you’re going to have to explain this to me, because, believe it or not, you’re not the only one who gets pissed off here.” Jessica felt a shiver down her spine as his voice turned husky and had a menacing tone to it. Still, she refused to let him see, see right through to her nervously beating heart. “Shut the hell up, Jonghyun. Don’t ever call me that and stop molesting me right now before I get security called on your ass,” she spat at him, hoping her voice didn’t sound as shaky as she felt.

Jonghyun snickered and said, “I’m only seducing you, Jessica. And what are you so afraid of anyway? The intimidating Ice Princess is afraid of little old me?” Jessica glared at him and hissed, “I’m not afraid of you and I never will be.”

“Prove it, Suyeon,” Jonghyun said, cockiness oozing from his voice. “Prove you’re not afraid to kiss me. I double-dog dare you.”

Oh, how he made her so mad, that chiseled male figure standing chest to chest with her now, making her heart beat so irrationally hard, making her feel like she was choking from the tension (passion) that was building between them. He had her trapped like a fish in a net, and he knew it. Desperate, Jessica knew her only choice now was to accept his dare- or else she’d never hear the end of it. Besides,  wouldn’t it be so funny to see his face if she actually kissed him?


Jessica practically grabbed his face and pulled him into a violent kiss- and was slammed with a passionate surprise that sent her mind reeling. It didn’t even occur to her to check out his expression because her mouth was too busy being devoured and invaded by Jonghyun. However, it wasn’t just how great of a kisser he was that sent an electric shock coursing through her. It was the pure, unadulterated force of lust, tension, and somewhere in there, an undying love for her that burned her up and left her in ruins.

Jonghyun got a surprise as well. He thought she would fight back after realizing that he wasn’t going to let her go so easy. He thought she would be so mad at him later that she wouldn’t forgive him- and that thought scared him inside. He didn’t think that she would return the kiss with feelings of sexual frustration, uncertainty and passion, all swirled in as one.

When they finally surfaced for air, they moved as if it were choreographed, Jessica simply so dazed that she was following his lead. They soon found themselves on the ground, hips grinding in strict rhythm, Jonghyun’s hand slipping under her shirt to unhook her bra. “We have to finish this,” he said, breathing heavily in between flurries of kisses and the pulsating beat of “Lucifer.” Jessica, who was finally regaining her senses, realized that both their shirts were off and whimpered: “No…no, stop Jonghyun, please.”

“Come with me, Jessica,” Jonghyun said, almost begging her. “I want to make you mine.” “No, you stupid idiot, get off!” With some force she managed to push a shocked Jonghyun off of her and lay there breathing heavily. Jonghyun stared at her and said, “Jessica…what…?”

“I don’t want this!” she shouted. “Don’t…don’t touch me like that! Don’t smile at me like that, don’t sing me sappy songs to try and touch my heart…don’t…just don’t…because…you’ll leave…you’ll just leave in the end…like…like he did…Jae…” At this point, Jonghyun’s eyes couldn’t have bugged out more from his eye sockets. Jessica. Jessica Jung. Jessica Jung the renowned cold-hearted Ice Princess was crying. She made quite a picture, sprawled on the floor, luminescent pale skin poorly concealed by a bra half off and jeans pulled down and tears pooling from her face. It was a picture that moved his heart so much, that he wordlessly gathered her up in his arms, pulling her tight to his chest.

Struggling to get out of his grasp, Jessica cried, “Let me go, let me go-!” “I love you, Jessica.” The sincerity, the absoluteness of his words caused her to stop struggling altogether and stare at him in shock. They stared at each other in silence as the track flowed from “Lucifer” into “Stand By Me.” Jonghyun held her arms, looked her straight in the eye and said, “I love you. I’ve been in love with you since I met you. Your cynicism, your occasional kind words, your voice- everything drives me insane. The way you get pissed off and growl at me- it turns me on and…and it makes me happy that you’ll at least look in my direction sometimes.” Jessica, moved but still staring at him disbelievingly, tried to shift out of his reach, but Jonghyun reached out and pulled her closer.

“I’m different. I will always be different. I love you for who you are, Jessica Jung. I won’t be like that bastard Jaebeom. I won’t leave. I’ll always, always stay by your side no matter what.” Jessica, hearing this, fell into his arms and he pulled her into a tight embrace, her sobbing quietly into his chest. When she stopped crying, they both sat up and Jonghyun wiped a stray tear off of her cheek. They both smiled simultaneously and couldn’t help but laugh softly with each other.

“I…I love you too, Kim Jonghyun,” Jessica stuttered a bit, turning bright red and Jonghyun grinned at her. He leaned in to kiss her again, this time softer and much more tender.

“I knew you’d come around soon enough, Suyeon.”

“If you planned this whole thing out in an attempt to get laid, you’re dead.” Jonghyun laughed at this.

“No way…but…we have to finish this…tonight. My place, at nine.” Jessica smirked at him and said:

“Where did your energy go, Jjong? I thought you were fit enough for another round right now but…if you say so.” Jonghyun stared at her, but then chuckled and said:

“Well, well- Ice Princess likes it going down rough. And of course I’m fit for another round. I’m fit for quite a number of rounds to come. Though I don’t think people would appreciate looking in here and seeing two stars getting it on.”

Jessica laughed and crossed over to the room to lock the door and turn off the lights.

Needless to say, things got quite heated and intimate that afternoon.

oneshots, pairing: yoonhae, pairing: jongsica, pairing: hyohyuk, pairing: minyul, pairing: seokyu

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