Title: Innovative Author: Unmikely Rating: Fairly mild? Warnings: Minor spoiler for Adrift. Characters: Jack/Ianto Disclaimer: I own nothing. It is all for fun. Note: A lot of people were concerned about the timing of Ianto's "coffee break". I don't know what it says about me, but it never even occured to me that this wasn't the reason...
Helloooo. Remember me? I just survived the flu from hell. I exist! ...albeit at 20 lbs lighter than I had been. I can even read the computer screen now without swimmy eye and nausea action, so rec me anything good that I missed in the last week or so up to Tuesday. I tried to keep up, really I did. And if I spoke any nonsense to anyone, I claim no
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Title/Prompt: Navigation Author: Unmikely Rating: PG Warnings: Nada Characters: Whole team, Jack/Ianto implied. Disclaimer: I own nothing. It is all for fun. Note: Late valentine's day story, written to fill a spot on my prompt table.
Dubyateaeff. I don't get it. Who's going to retcon Rhys? Wouldn't he remember the day his woman forgot he existed? Someone either explain what I obviously missed or don't understand or write me some Rhys fiction that explains it?
Title: Folded Author: Unmikely Rating: PG Warnings: Nada Characters: Owencentric. Though I tried desperately to Iantofy Disclaimer: I own nothing. It is all for fun. Note: 1.Planes. 2.Rifts, flying into. Yes, it is as heavy handed as it gets.
Title: Space Muzzle Author: Unmikely Rating: PG Warnings: Nada Characters: Jack/Ianto Disclaimer: I own nothing. It is all for fun. Note: A little silliness. I am calling everything "space" these days. My space shoes, space car, space briefcase, space pencil, yesterday's space sandwich was delicious....