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Jul 30, 2009 13:45

Star Trek Reboot

At the going down of the sun by cupiscent
"Rules of the universe," he declares, and then corrects himself before Spock can get his astrophysics on. "Rules of humanity. Warriors who've drawn weapons, shed blood, triumphed together must drink together." Kirk, in the aftermath of the battle of Vulcan, showing why he's such a good captain. Rings really true both in characterization and in the evocation of shared grief.

Borrowing Trouble by savoytruffle
Hee! Spock Prime clues in an oblivious Kirk about his (Kirk's, I mean) feelings for Bones, and Kirk tries to figure out how to clue Bones in. Adorkable.

a dream unthreatened by the morning light by framlingem
Gaila stands in front of a mirror and places a palm on her abdomen, and another on the small of her back - her hands, her feet, her hips, her mouth belong to other people, but her center is hers. Lovely look at Gaila.

earth is like the midwest of the federation planets by builtofsorrow
Someone asks her once if she ever feels guilty for leaving her son. Winona doesn't hesitate when she replies that no, she doesn't. She misses Jim, but she certainly doesn't feel guilty. She leaves, in part, because she wants him to know that he can. Lovely look at Winona Kirk and the decisions she makes when Kirk is a young child.

Earth-style Romantic Gestures by jain
Lovely bit of Uhura/Gaila in which they have a first date. I especially like how clear their friendship is, even without the sexual component.

Kirk gets stuck speaking LOLCAT. LONG JIM IS LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG. *dies* (from the Trek Reboot kink meme)

maybe we can bend by
He's not good at this; at being this kind of friend, at being there for someone else. He's not built the way he thinks he should be, body used to taking a hit and letting it show, not. Not this. Not absorbing something that's not his own doing. He grips her hand as tight as he can, and hopes that's enough. Hot and heartbreaking Kirk/girl!Bones.

Not All Those Who Wander by thedeadparrot
Highly enjoyable story of Spock Prime wandering the universe, being awesome.

Of Two Worlds by yahtzee63
Spock experiences some temporal dislocation, and then things get interesting. I enjoyed this a lot.

Optimist by penknife
Kirk is an optimist. Who maybe gets off on near-death experiences. And keeps trying to convince Spock and Uhura to have a threesome with him. Adorably hilarious.

Roots by
Uhura's got time. She solders it out of other people's slack and resonant opportunities. Her initiative serves her well. Fifteen minutes here, two there. Completing tasks correctly so she needn't rectify mistakes upon checking her work means that when she does take time for self-indulgence, the moments are truly her own. Gorgeous look at Uhura at the Academy.

Shooting the Moon by miss_porcupine
Sharp look at Kirk during his Academy days.

Surak and Socrates Want You to Masturbate by igrockspock
By her own choice, most men in her life, both professors and students, want her at least partly for sex. Spock, however, wants nothing more than her mind and the easy-going personality that enables him to speak more frankly around her than he would almost anyone else. It makes her feel both treasured and triumphant; this intellectual and personal companionship is the one thing her Slave Mother had told her she was incapable of having. Gaila teaches Spock what Uhura likes during sex. I know it sounds crazy, but she totally makes it work. Hot and sweet and funny. *hearts* I love Gaila.

This Is Growing Up by
*sniffle* McCoy helps Chekov deal with the aftermath of the battle of Vulcan. (er, not like that.)

tushah nash-veh k'du by
Gaila, grieving, in the aftermath of the battle. Poignant.

When I Was Invincible by robanybody
"Captain's log, supplemental: today Spock made a joke. I laughed. I cried. It was magical." Hee! Reboot!Kirk ends up in the Prime!Universe. Hilarity ensues.

You're Gonna Make It After All by igrockspock
Awesome story of Gaila's first year at Starfleet Academy. Adorable and hilarious and touching.


st:reboot, 07/09

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