Viking 101: Noah Puckerman's Guide to Living Life Like a Sex Viking

Dec 21, 2009 00:22

This is the kind of shit that Theberrifairy, becca_radcgg and I get into when left to our own devices at long periods of time.

This Lesson in Life brought to you by Noah Puckerman, MSN Messenger, and 3 Girls with far too much time on their hands.

Warning: Language used by a 16 year old boy is behind the cut.
Noah Puckerman's Guide to Living Life Like a Sex Viking. )

glee, crack!fic, teri and shannon's views on life, hang onto your hats folks, becca rocks the fuckin house, hey guys look over here!, pearl necklaces, jesus christ i cant breathe, brain twins, earmuffs, please tell us how awesome we are, don't you have anything better to do, lolpizza, pimping, msn leads to fucking weird shit, crack!ideas, puck/rachel

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Comments 47

burntotears December 21 2009, 05:32:17 UTC
AHAHAHA. Classic. Totally classic and kind of a fic in its own rights.

You win!


une_fille December 21 2009, 05:39:25 UTC
Where are our straight-jackets?

The end.


unequivocally December 21 2009, 05:40:03 UTC

We're going to end up on every FBI watchlist EVER.


une_fille December 21 2009, 05:40:46 UTC
This might be worse than our Puck/Terri phase.


unequivocally December 21 2009, 05:41:43 UTC
This is definitely worse than our Puck/Terri phase. I mean, you realize that we actually wrote the words: "How to ruin her for other men"


natih December 21 2009, 05:43:53 UTC
omggggggggggggg that's made of so much WIN!!!

I'm lmaoooooooo right now!! brilliant


cailet_06 December 21 2009, 05:53:01 UTC
Epically awesome!


adinfinitum December 21 2009, 06:38:50 UTC
OMG this is so elaborate and about 80 kinds of ridonkadonk (in the best possible way) but it's laaaate so an in-depth comment will have to wait til later. NEEDLESS TO SAY, you guys are insane and I love you for it. SERIOUSLY, THIS IS HILARIOUS AND AMAZING IN EVERYWAY. (Also? I don't think the term "crack!fic" has ever been used more appropriately.)


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