Thu, 20:37: RT @ MagicWeather: A few more warm days. Then autumn truly, finally sweeps in on its rusty, orange carpet of leaves, leaving laughing skulls…
Mon, 14:38: RT @ SarcasticRover: A hover-bot lowered me to the surface of Mars with a skycrane after parachuting from space while blindfolded... but sur…
Fri, 16:27: RT @ Limericking: A fellow enveloped in vice- A grifter, to be more precise- Whose gain was immense At public expense Decided to fire Tom Pr…
Fri, 16:38: RT @ JimLaPorta: As a former U.S. Marine, now a father, there is perhaps one word I should try to cut out of my vernacular around my soon
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Fri, 08:35: RT @ kashmirVIII: Ohio wasn't even a part of the confederacy so please don't ever tell me this flag isn't about racism ever again tysm https…
Wed, 08:36: RT @ HarrisonMooney: "we at twitter need to innovate, what do the kids like" "game of thrones" "ANNOUNCEMENT: Twitter now has too many char
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