Apr 06, 2006 06:17
Eventually, all are held accountable for their actions. Yet that is still a personal matter. No one lives without... some degree of sin.
Given a valid reason, it might even be necessary to act in an... unsettling manner. I have nothing against that as much as the distasteful way in which it is often carried out.
...Now, to finish writing a
Apr 04, 2006 04:56
Ah. I knew there was... fair reason not to seek involvement in events transpiring around this place.
...I must return to seclusion.
Mar 22, 2006 21:31
Every misdeed has its punishment.
Mar 20, 2006 05:18
This past week... was it nothing but some fanciful dream?
Mar 09, 2006 05:45
This place... is rarely silent enough.
I must sleep.
Feb 27, 2006 20:09
Perhaps this is all an illusion...