Not a dollar or a crowd could ever keep me here

Oct 11, 2011 11:57

Who; yearrounder and whoever wants to comfort a crying teenage girl.
What; Minor breakdown. It’s been building up for a while.
Where; The library
When; Tuesday, afternoon/evening
Rating; G-PG
Status; OPEN; ongoing

All the world is waiting for the sun )

persona 3: junpei iori, percy jackson: annabeth chase

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Comments 72

tereteindahouse October 11 2011, 19:12:24 UTC
Libraries. Dude, if it wasn't for the DVD collection the place offered then Junpei would never have found his way to the place. Ever. As it was he often became lost in the large place and it seemed this time was no different from the rest. He walked through each aisle until he thought he heard somebody, bringing him out of his daydreams. There were probably a bunch of other things he should worry about but, as it was, he would always be a 'focus on the present' type of guy.

He turned the corner and blinked. Annabeth?

"Hey. Uh... Yo."


yearrounder October 12 2011, 01:06:20 UTC
Crap. It would be the one person in the Underworld that she still wasn't sure about--the one she'd been avoiding since...yeah. She couldn't hlp but glance up in surprise at hearing a voice. let alone that familiar one. It was too late to even try hiding it now. So she didn't, instead curling herself into a ball, pulling her knees into chest and dropping her eyes to them instead of him. It was easier if she wasn't looking at him. At least she could pretend she had some dignity left.



tereteindahouse October 12 2011, 01:22:35 UTC
Man. How the hell were you supposed to cheer up a person you tried to kill? He could have killed her. He had wanted to. He kept a frown off his face, forcing cheeriness as he stepped forward, just keeping enough distance to avoid scaring her too much.

"Um... You okay? I mean, I know you aren't but. Wanna talk about it? Unless it's about that thing. Then we can not talk about it. I could just go, you know, and pretend I didn't see anything."


yearrounder October 12 2011, 01:33:18 UTC
"It's not that." Entirely. That was only part of it. It was mostly all of the broken promises that had left her on her own down here--Luke had promised, and then he left, galling to Kronos' influence and then dying on Olympus; Percy promised and then he vanished. Twice. She had friends, sure, but it wasn't the same as someone from home--someone who could relate to this being so close to familiar, but just off enough that it felt like she was slowly going insane.

She managed a deep breath after a moment, even if it was a little shaky, and scrubbed at her eyes with one hand. She didn't even care if it made it worse.


burnforalltosee October 11 2011, 19:35:14 UTC
After making his way out of his new and third abode, Vlad had decided to stop by the library. He had only read the one work by Mister Stoker, but he could not imagine that that was the only one he had ever achieved. He was correct, though none of the other works had as much praise or acclaim on the covers and flaps as the story of his "life" had. How curious, how curious.

But one stood out. A collected of short stories, one entitled "Dracula's Guest"...yes, he would see what more the man had written. What more refuse he had to work around.

And then there was a sound.

Lovely, distressing noises that they were, a young girl was crying.

It was not difficult for him to find her, and he stood just out of her vision before stepping into it slightly, part of his face and his top hat visible. "Dear girl, what is the matter?"


yearrounder October 12 2011, 01:11:33 UTC
At the unfamiliar voice, she hurriedly scrubbed at her eyes with her hands, knowing that only made it look worse and herself look even more guilty. She'd been discovered and it was too late now, really.

That didn't, of course, mean that she wasn't going to try. Athena's daughters weren't supposed to cry.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong." A little too obvious a lie, but she didn't really care anymore.


burnforalltosee October 12 2011, 02:03:58 UTC
Vlad stepped to be in full view of the girl. An exceedingly tall man, he was, though his look and the way his shoulders currently rested portrayed very little in the way of purposeful intimidation. Dressed in regal Victorian clothes of a strange green, the top hat to match, he regarded her with dark eyes hidden beneath small glasses with starkly blue lenses. Dark hair curled beneath and around his jaw, framing handsome features quite vividly. A moment before he pulled up a chair a good deal away from her to give her a bubble of space, sitting in an extraordinary proper way. It was like a man walked out of the earliest set of movies, movies he had never seen, but was quite comparable to ( ... )


yearrounder October 12 2011, 02:16:57 UTC
All she did was shake her head, after a moment of well-disguised staring. It wasn't the strangest thing she'd seen around here, someone dressed like they'd walked of the set of one of those dreadful period films, but it was still just a little bit of a shock for her to see it. And she knew if she'd stop and think for a moment it would make sense. As much as she enjoyed the comfort of a modern world, why would people want to live in a way they were unfamiliar with?

"No offense," she finally started, just a little uncertainly (was she supposed to be formal or something?), "but I don't really like discussing my personal problems with strangers."


youallneedme October 12 2011, 09:02:04 UTC
Garrett didn't often visit the library- but once in awhile, he did have the inkling. He'd tried combing through it for information once or twice, but everything on what he'd been looking for (specifically this place, and the history of the Gods behind it) seemed to have been removed. Still, there was hope that someday he might find something that he was looking for- which was what brought him there today ( ... )


yearrounder October 12 2011, 16:01:51 UTC
She didn't even try to hide it from him--he wouldn't leave her alone until she said something, and he wouldn't let her tell him that it was nothing. Because it wasn't "nothing." She just didn't want to say it out loud. If you said it, it came true.

It would have to be him, too. She couldn't help staring up at him for a moment, not even bothering to wipe the tears off of her face, or change her expression. After a few moments, though, she sighed and looked away.

"A lot of things are wrong."


youallneedme October 19 2011, 08:50:12 UTC
"Oh Annabeth..." the sympathy in his voice was obvious, and Garrett moved before she could stop him. Moved to sit next to her, caught her by the shoulders and gently pulled her into his arms.

"I know," he pulled brushed a thumb against her cheek, gently wiping away some of her tears, but certainly not telling her to stop. Sometimes, this was the sort of thing a person needed- he certainly knew it well enough. Had a sister of his own, had his own moments where it seemed like too much.


yearrounder October 20 2011, 00:09:47 UTC
Her first reaction was to pull away from him--words like "self-sufficient" and "independent" running circles in her head--but all she could manage to do was freeze before she finally just gave up and sobbed into his shoulder. She really couldn't help herself. Not when he was being so obliging. Her hands hurt from clinging to his clothing, but she barely noticed.

It took a few moments for her to calm herself down, but she managed it eventually, pulling back a little and taking a deep breath or two before she spoke in a voice that even sounded tiny to her. "S-sorry...I'll be fine, I promise."


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