A man's true character comes out when he's drunk.

Apr 30, 2011 12:20

Who: Dean (i_shot_a_dick) and Castiel (to_rebel)
What: Drinking. That's... it, really.
Where: Casa Winchester
When: April 30th, afternoon
Rating: Is there a rating for copious amounts of alcohol? There's gonna be language -- maybe even from both parties this time.
Status: Ongoing.

He'd lined the glasses up on the table. )

supernatural: castiel, supernatural: dean winchester

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to_rebel May 1 2011, 00:38:10 UTC
"The occasion," Castiel said solemnly as he picked up the bottle and refilled Dean's glass, "is that I am a..." Here he paused. It wasn't that he really had trouble recalling the words so much as he didn't like admitting that Bobby was right. "A sanctimonious son of a bitch." He shrugged and set the bottle aside. "Or I was ( ... )


to_rebel May 9 2011, 06:45:39 UTC
Castiel wasn't even going to bother answering that. He was sure that, somehow in some sober and human frame of mind, that statement actually made sense. That was enough for him and he decided not to pursue it. He'd simply confuse himself.

The Library was rather unique. Ever shifting, nothing was ever in the same place, but whatever one was looking for was readily available. It only took a moment for Castiel to point out the section Dean was looking for.


i_shot_a_dick May 10 2011, 02:31:01 UTC
"Awesome" The hunter made a bee line right for the movies. The action section was first up and the hunter started going through them.

"Hm, wonder what else they go, check it out Cas, see if somethin' might actually catch your eye."

Dean knelt down to look at some of the movies on a bottom shelf, plucking one out, he turned the case over to see, after all the front looked pretty cool.


to_rebel May 10 2011, 17:41:26 UTC
Castiel just blinked at Dean for a few moments before he sighed and set off to wandering. He wasn't entirely sure anything would catch his eye; he honestly didn't see the point of watching a movie. Surely there was enough excitement and drama in day to day life without taking time out to watch someone's fictional account of such. Then again, considering the Underworld's penchant for handing them stretches of absolute, bone-wearying boredom followed by trauma of varying degrees, perhaps he could see the allure.

He paid absolutely no attention to the titles as he wandered. Dean would pick what he wanted anyway and the few times Castiel looked, nothing had grabbed his attention. He was fairly certain Dean would ask him what he saw or if he'd seen a certain title and so looked up and made note of them here and there. He rounded a corner, looked up to take note of where exactly he was...

... and stopped short.

Oh. That was... interesting. Definitely interesting.


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