A man's true character comes out when he's drunk.

Apr 30, 2011 12:20

Who: Dean (i_shot_a_dick) and Castiel (to_rebel)
What: Drinking. That's... it, really.
Where: Casa Winchester
When: April 30th, afternoon
Rating: Is there a rating for copious amounts of alcohol? There's gonna be language -- maybe even from both parties this time.
Status: Ongoing.

He'd lined the glasses up on the table. )

supernatural: castiel, supernatural: dean winchester

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to_rebel May 1 2011, 00:38:10 UTC
"The occasion," Castiel said solemnly as he picked up the bottle and refilled Dean's glass, "is that I am a..." Here he paused. It wasn't that he really had trouble recalling the words so much as he didn't like admitting that Bobby was right. "A sanctimonious son of a bitch." He shrugged and set the bottle aside. "Or I was."

It had been bad enough when the powers that be here had changed his personality completely around but that somehow paled in comparison when he was faced with this particular incident. Last time, he'd became something he'd never been and, for all intents and purposes, he'd actually been pleasant to be around. This time, he became something he actually was at one point in time and managed to offend everyone he spoke to on some level.

Somehow, that just seemed... so very wrong to him.

Without waiting for Dean to answer that -- the only thing he could say was that, yes, Castiel had once been such -- the angel downed four of the remaining five shots, starting with the left glass and moving right. Then, with carefully deliberate movements, he set the last still full glass in the center of the table. "Don't touch that," he told Dean. That glass had a job to do, like all shot glasses before and after.

He reshuffled the four glasses, re-centering them in front of him, and refilled them, again moving from left to right.


i_shot_a_dick May 2 2011, 00:19:32 UTC
When Cas said that Dean snorted "You're a dick, so what, least you ain't like the rest of the holy rollers."

Dean wondered who had said that to Cas, he wondered what had lead to the conversation. He had a feeling it had some thing to do with the most recent 'change' in Underworld, where he himself had become a child again.

"The hell does it matter if people think you're an ass, I get called an ass all the time." Rather Cas wanted him to answer or not he talked as he took those four drinks. Pulling back some Dean eyed the angel as he sat the shot glass in the middle of the table and switched them, Dean noted from left to right.

"The hell you doin', turnin' in to Rain Man on me?" He was worried, and Dean knew one way to solve what was weighing on your mind when you couldn't change it. Good thing, seemed Cas had learned that lesson as the hunter got up, grabbed another bottle and cracked it to take a drink straight from the bottle.


to_rebel May 2 2011, 00:56:32 UTC
"I was," was Castiel's quick answer. Maybe Dean had missed that part: Castiel has once been a good soldier. He may have started to harbor doubts as he spent more time on Earth and with the Winchesters, the fact remained that he'd only followed orders. He'd only done what his superiors had told him. He'd been a good angel, a good soldier.

He was neither anymore. And, damn it all, he actually missed it sometimes. It certainly was easier.

He was toying with one of the glasses, gaze focusing on the full shot glass in the middle of the table when Dean said something that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. He blinked a few times, replaying that and finally coming to the conclusion that, even sober, he would not have understood that. He looked up at Dean, head cocked to the side and brow furrowed. "Rain man?" He couldn't even begin to make a guess.


i_shot_a_dick May 2 2011, 02:09:12 UTC
No, Dean remembered that part, but the way he saw it, they had all done things, been things, believed things they weren't proud of. It didn't make who they were now, how far they had come mean any less.

Being an asshole might be easier, emotionally, but if Cas thought about it, having people there, who had your back, made other aspects of life a whole lot easier. And Dean would take all the misery that came with his emotions, long as he could keep those people around.

"Y'know, Tom Cruise, Dustin Hoffman." Dean dead panned and made his voice sound almost robotic "Whoppner, gotta watch Whoppner." He snorted "Some crap like that." The hunter took a swig from his bottle then held it out to the angel.


to_rebel May 2 2011, 02:55:20 UTC
Castiel just shook his head a little slowly, absolutely confused by the reference. If he didn't understand "rain man," why did Dean think he'd suddenly understand by throwing names at him? "I do not know who Whoppner is."

Thought, apparently, he had to watch this Whoppner.

He took the bottle, confused expression still in place, and refilled the glasses. "I am either too drunk and I cannot make sense of what you're saying," he said, "or not nearly drunk enough."


i_shot_a_dick May 3 2011, 01:58:13 UTC
"An old judge on television or somethin', just forget it, not like I can get you a tape here or somethin'" Dean just shook his head, some times, he swore then angel was hopeless when it came to modern times.

Dean reached for the bottle when Cas was done and took a long swig "You're not nearly drunk enough my friend. Now who the hell called you an ass any way?"

He was ready to punch the culprit in their face, depending on who it was. Because right now, the last thing Cas needed was some one getting down on him. He was doing plenty of that himself.


to_rebel May 3 2011, 02:08:57 UTC
"There are..." He trailed off, brow furrowing as he tried to find the right word. "Movies? In the library." Had he been thinking, he would not have offered that bit of information; knowing Dean, Castiel was in for a night of education in the finer points of movie watching. If it included beer, he might even put up with it.

"Agreed," he said, refilling his glasses -- and leaving the full shot glass in the middle once again. He was nowhere near drunk enough.

Two shots in, he stopped and stared at Dean. "You are missing the point. I was an ass." He paused. "For three days. Under some delusion that I'd never met you or Sam. I was that person again." It had been... Well, hell. Castiel wasn't sure what it had been. He missed the assurance and power he used to have. Didn't miss that fact that he was an automaton.

... More drinking.


i_shot_a_dick May 5 2011, 00:39:30 UTC
"Road trip, let's go" Dean grabbed the bottle and was out of his seat and already in route to the door "If we're gonna get drunk, might as well get some movies too." Dean was just crossing his fingers he could find some thing he considered a good movie in there.

"Yeah and I've been an ass most my life, you made mistakes, you did dumb shit, we all know it. Hell we knew you then, you were an ass when I met you, you can still be a dick some times. But, you're still our friend. We're all asses."

Dean figured he'd take Cas powerless and less of a machine following orders, he'd rather have his friend than to have an angel at his side.

"C'mon, before they get the good movies." They would talk more, Dean would do his best to assure Cas that even being reverted to that asshole state didn't make him an asshole now, the guy had larger guilt issues than he did some times and that was saying some thing.


to_rebel May 5 2011, 01:15:51 UTC
For a moment, Castiel considered just flying them over to the Library, but why do that when it wasn't needed? Besides, Dean might possibly have something against flying while half-drunk. Castiel wasn't going to tempt fate by attempting flight. He trailed after Dean, brow furrowed as he struggled to keep up -- literally and figuratively.

Somehow, that was all supposed to be reassuring. Castiel wasn't sure how. "Yes. Thank you for the reminder." They were all asses. Good to know. He was fairly certain he already knew that.


i_shot_a_dick May 5 2011, 01:34:07 UTC
It was meant to tell Cas it was normal to be an ass some times, it was human to be an ass some times. They were a bunch of miserable creatures most of the time, but that was life. And as oddly as he put it, it was meant to tell Cas it was just a sign that he was normal, he came past it, he was still an ass some times but nearly as much of an ass as he had been when the man first met him.

"It's more of a hey, we're all asses, it's normal, y'know" Dean figured a walk half drunk would be interesting and as the hunter weaved slightly he decided to stop and take another drink.

He tipped the bottle to his lips and took a long swig, wiping his mouth across his shirt he handed the bottle to Cas.

"Hope they got somethin' good to watch, who'd have thought movies in hell. Our own little Blockbuster"


to_rebel May 5 2011, 03:42:48 UTC
For a moment, Castiel was silent as he trailed behind Dean. That was hardly reassuring. It was normal for them all to behave such toward each other? What he'd done was hardly typical behavior and Dean simply went on and on about them all being asses. "Dean... just stop." He wasn't sure he could follow that line of thought completely sober.

He took the bottle and stopped halfway toward taking a drink. "Blockbuster?" Did Dean take it upon himself to litter only conversations he had while he was drinking with such references?

What was wrong with just saying something that made some damned sense?


i_shot_a_dick May 6 2011, 00:34:21 UTC
Dean unfortunately took Cas call to stop a little too literally and pulled up short directly in front of the angel "What you see a pretty flower you want to pick?"

He did not heed rather Cas was close or not, not even as he cast a look over his shoulder at the other. It might be the alcohols fault that he was rambling on and making references the other wouldn't understand. But, that was Dean and it wasn't going to stop "Just forget it. Long as they got somethin' with hot chicks and maybe some guns."

Odd combination, Cas had better prepare for a night of a hodge podge of different movies.


to_rebel May 6 2011, 02:32:48 UTC
Castiel very nearly ran into Dean's back when the man just suddenly stopped in front of him. Trust Dean to take that literally the one time Castiel didn't actually mean it that way. He blamed the alcohol when he nearly ran Dean over and then stumbled to a stop behind him. "What flowers, Dean?" They lived in a damned cave with no sunlight.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to process that one. Come to think of it, though, that one was pretty easy. "Perhaps," he ventured, "you should find one that has both."

And that way, perhaps Castiel would get out of this with less movies watched.


i_shot_a_dick May 8 2011, 01:42:16 UTC
Dean looked over his shoulder at the angel for a moment, long enough to leave you thinking perhaps he had sprouted some growth on his forehead or some thing "Just forget it." He snorted a laugh and turned back around to continue walking.

They had reached the library stairs by the time Cas made the comment about the movie "Hm." the hunter stopped and pursed his lips thinking for a moment "Nah, don't mix your women too much with your guns, Cas, loses some of it's fun that way."

It wasn't always the rule, obviously, but at least for movie watching Dean was going with one or the other, or both, not a combination.

Sorry Cas....


to_rebel May 8 2011, 17:07:33 UTC
Castiel was fairly certain that they'd suffered some sort of communication failure, but he was also certain he would never be able to pinpoint how or why. Instead, he blinked at Dean, let it go, and followed him to the library.

Why, he wasn't entirely sure. Maybe it was because he had nothing better to do.

"I don't understand." It was said almost by rote, because he knew full well that Dean already knew that. "It seems more efficient if one combines the two." Less time wasted watching a screen.


i_shot_a_dick May 9 2011, 01:00:21 UTC
If Cas thought about he and Dean suffered a lot of communication failures. And at times, trying to explain what the hunter was referencing too only compounded the situation, such as it had done this time.

Dean shook his head as he stepped in to the library and tossed the now empty bottle in to a trash can.

"Because Cas, guns are for killin', last thing you wanna do is watch a hot chick die."

He looked around "Now where's these movies."


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