Title: Boy Meets Girl
Music: "A Story of Boy Meets Girl" by Mychael Danna & Rob Simonsen
Subject: Topher/Bennett, Dollhouse
Length: 1:35
Summary: This is not a love story.
Vid notes: Under the cut, along with lyrics and streaming video. Agressive spoilers up to Dollhouse 2x11. Violence.
This is a story of boy meets girl.
The boy, Tom Hansen, of Margate, New Jersey, grew up with the belief that he’d never be truly happy until he found The One.
This belief stemmed from early exposure to sad British pop music and a total misreading of the movie The Graduate.
The girl, Summer Finn, of Shinnecock, Michigan, did not share this belief.
Since the disintegration of parent’s marriage, she’d only loved two things.
The first was her long dark hair.
The second was how easily she could cut it off and feel nothing.
Tom meets Summer on January 8th. He knows almost immediately, she’s who he’s been searching for.
This is a story of boy meets girl, but you should know up front, this is not a love story.
This is insanely experimental for me. I saw the episode and I'd been wanting to vid this VO/music combination from (500) Days of Summer for a while. I drank a shitton of rum and here we are. You'd think after almost a decade of being a Joss Whedon fan, I'd be able to see the Jossing coming. But nope. He jossed me. ONCE AGAIN. ANYWAY THERE ARE A TON OF EFFECTS~ IN THIS VID. At least compared to what I usually do. IDK I feel like this vid/ship is very exemplary of my life. ENJOY?
I have a couple longer, heavier Dollhouse that have been kicking around in my head for a while. This gave me a chance to get a feel for Dollhouse vidding while I wait for the finale to finish these other vids as well.