I'm already emotionally preparing for the Skins series 4 premiere. 12 days!
Effy Stonem is, undeniably, the most important character on Skins. This isn't based on any preference of mine (although I do, clearly, prefer her) but the simple truth that she's the only character to have been in all series to date. I expect my love of this show to end with her departure. Still, I've loved her since her first appearance in "Tony," series one, and that kind of unfolded my love for what is, in my opinion, easily the best teen series on television.
Anyway, this isn't a mix or even an EP in the traditional sense-- these aren't songs that remind me of Effy or songs that I think she'd like.This mix, which I've been working on-- adding and subtracting songs-- since I saw the first series in 2008, is what the instead of Effy's head looks like, from series one through four. In song form? God, that sounds weird, but there it is. That's why I haven't included lyrics, although they're usually the first thing I look to on mixes, because everything about these songs is equally important here: music, vocals, lyrics, even titles.
Unlike many people in Skins fandom, I don't dislike the love triangle from series three or think that the Effy we see at the centre of Skins now is disloyal to her character in series one and two. Effy in generation one, to me, was all about malaise and detachment and trying to keep herself and her family from falling apart. Most importantly, she had Tony. Now: no family, no Tony. He informs a great deal of her actions in series three-- obviously I can't speak about series four yet-- without Tony to fall back on, she has to reach out to other people, which quite frankly, she's shit at. She tries mimic his whole snarky, ne'er-do-well charm in series three, episode one, but by episode four, she's failed miserably, so she's left stumbling around, fucking everything up in attempt to find someone. She's growing up and I hope to god she'll be okay by the end of this series.
If you think I take this show and this character too seriously, I DO. Just this week I said to
prisness "don't talk about it like it's a show-- like there are writers and actors-- BECAUSE IT ISN'T!!" Unhealthy attachment or what? I feel like this mix says as much about me in the last few years as it does about Effy, but whatever most of you don't know me, so enjoy?
don't you want to share the guilt?- an effy stonem mix
werewolf- coco rosietwo.
black hole- be your own petthree.
tape song- the killsfour.
creator- santigoldfive.
violet- holesix.
don't you want to share the guilt?- kate nash rar! Want to play a game?! I sort of thought it would be fun if you left me fandom, characters/people, or ships and I'd give you a 1-2 song "minimix" for them. IDK if you're into that, but hit me up!