Title: To Blame Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins Characters: Alistair and Anora Rating: T Summary: Alistair knows the pain of loss first hand and he refuses to let his wife go through his by herself.
Title: Escape or The Seven Times that Anders Ran - And the One Time He Didn't Fandom: Dragon Age Rating: M Characters: Anders Summary: A brief telling of Anders' seven escapes from the Circle Tower and the Templar that was charged with bringing him back.
Title: Alone Together Fandom: Left 4 Dead Rating: M Pairing: Hunter/OC Summary: After waking up alone in a safe room with a festering wound on her back Avery is forced to trust a rouge Hunter if she wants to survive the coming winter.
Title: Alone Together Fandom: Left 4 Dead Rating: M Pairing: Hunter/OC Summary: After waking up alone in a safe room with a festering wound on her back Avery is forced to trust a rouge Hunter if she wants to survive the coming winter.
Title: Alone Together Fandom: Left 4 Dead Rating: M Pairing: Hunter/OC Summary: After waking up alone in a safe room with a festering wound on her back Avery is forced to trust a rouge Hunter if she wants to survive the coming winter.
I've been playing too much L4D2 lately. I've been consumed by this fandom and, as a result, am forced to write. This thought came to me today while reading various fics and getting ready for work.
"Where the hell are my pants?" He asked as he threw pillows and tossed the sheets from side to side. As if the room wasn't messy enough already
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