Sep 11, 2009 10:47
So the conservatorium gives us all next week off, but I just committed myself to prac work at the con ever day for like 4 hours, without realising it.
Aug 26, 2009 13:43
Seriously Rob,
Enough with the trashing of your brain cells. haha
Aug 21, 2009 23:35
You know, I'm a single guy living away from home.
So FUCK OFF with the over-bearing controlling females.
If i wanted someone to nag, whinge, bitch and complain that I don't do what they want, I'd ring home.
Aug 09, 2009 09:24
I am so over dreaming about Marlee.
Seriously, it's not even funny anymore.....
so cut that out subconscious!
Aug 02, 2009 16:03
.....haha an indication as to how long its been since I've had strong genuine feelings for someone.
One fleeting glance at a girl I met like once and thought was really cute, and the imagination starts spewing romance stories worthy of walt disney.
It's very very funny haha
Jul 25, 2009 13:00
Does it say something bad about me that when facebook stalking Marlee, I discovered her and Joel had broken up, and was a little bit happy about it.
Is that horrible?
May 25, 2009 13:44
I'm sitting on a knife edge right now.
So close to breaking point at the moment, it'll only take a breath of wind to push me into snapping.