Who: Russia (
vodkamaniac) & China (
When: Backdated, just after
the epic fight.
Where: China's room
Rating: PG13, maybe higher
Summary: Russia's taking refuge in China's room, slowly recovering
Warnings: Russia, talk of injuries and violence, pissy Russia, more as they come up, and Russia
Among the injured and the dead. )
Comments 18
But China was back soon, with vodka. "Enough. For now." He tried reaching for one of the bottles, but his arm still didn't want to move right. "Um."
Small hands grab the larger nation, with some force, and lifts him up so he can sit. Then he opens his bottle and brings it to his lips. "This good, aru?"
He nearly choked on it, and some of it ran down his face, but it did help clear his head a little. He could still move the arm that wasn't broken, and fumbled for the bottle. If he was going to self medicate with alcohol, he might as well do it himself. "Mn."
But he needed someone, Latvia just had never been alone. There had always been someone, be it one of his brothers or an occupier - even if he had not liked being alone with Prussia, feeling like a third wheel in other places, he had never been aloneHe needed others, like he needed food and air. Of course there were always humans since he was a nation, but this was about other nations. If it had not been that, he would have went to Galatea's room, she was nice ( ... )
"Russia..." Before he could even ask his question, there was a small knocked on his door. Who could that be?
After the last knock and finding Russia on his doorstep...he wasn't sure what he should think about this knock. Deciding he really should answer the door he rose from the bed and went to his door.
"Yes, aru..." When he opened the door...let's say he didn't expect the person that was there...especially since there was a Russia in his room. "L-Latvia..." He couldn't stop the name from leaving his mouth.
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