Who: Russia (
vodkamaniac) & China (
When: Backdated, just after
the epic fight.
Where: China's room
Rating: PG13, maybe higher
Summary: Russia's taking refuge in China's room, slowly recovering
Warnings: Russia, talk of injuries and violence, pissy Russia, more as they come up, and Russia
Among the injured and the dead. )
But he needed someone, Latvia just had never been alone. There had always been someone, be it one of his brothers or an occupier - even if he had not liked being alone with Prussia, feeling like a third wheel in other places, he had never been alone.
He needed others, like he needed food and air. Of course there were always humans since he was a nation, but this was about other nations. If it had not been that, he would have went to Galatea's room, she was nice and made him feel at ease. Second would have been Egypt, but he did not want to get between him and Nia in an way. And the only nations left were... Russia and Germany: Certainly not, even if Germany seemed to be much nicer here than what he remembered of him. So there was only China left. And China had told him that he could come to his place if he ever needed it. He would not reallz be able to talk about much with the old nation, but at least he would be near another nation that was calm and nice and, he hoped and guessed, would not ask questions.
So he was outside China's room now, standing there in front of the door, nervously raising one shaking hand, and knocked. It was not much more than a little thud, but he was too insecure about this. But Lithuania knew China well and trusted him, and if his big brother did that, Latvia would, too.
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