Title: Toxic - A Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles video
Song: Toxic by Britney Spears
Size: 43.5 mb zipped (wmv format)
Notes: This is pure and simple mocking. It stemmed from a challenge to vid Justin Timberlake's SexyBack, two gloriously successful vids can be found
here and
here. I, of course, failed miserably and fell back to Plan B... JT'
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Comments 31
So yeah, loved it!
Britney, JT, BAG... I feel like we're regressing to the 90's!!
We're on to you, missy! We *know* there *is* something to see here and these *are* indeed the droids cylons T-888's we are looking for, no matter what you say!
You just couldn't stick to the challenge YOU set...could ya?
Nice vid as always however. I liked all the scenes of him getting his a$$ handed to him. :)
And I knew you'd enjoy Dear Doomed Derek's pain, the boy is after all Toxic.
Remember that big bug that fell between you and Missy?
well. that was a Cicada. it seems that some are below ground, and only come out every 17 years. THEY'RE HERE!!!!
We are COVERED in these things, and they are so loud? You can't hear anyone else talking out back. OOOOOOF!
I remember the last time we had those I had to sleep with ear plugs they were so loud 24/7.
I love how we start off seeing Derek like we did in the show: the shadowy figure with the tat on his arm. :D I love how the whole "her hands on his hand" really goes with the way the music kinda whines at 1:36 (that scene is just one of my favs anyway, of course! ;) ). And ouchie, the branding scene at 2:23 really goes with the music again so well! *pets him*
Okay, so I'm big enough to admit... I've always liked this song a lot! So if "SexyBack" wasn't working for you, I think this was a great "fall-back" choice! It still conveys all of Derek's sexayness so well! I enjoyed it a ton! ♥!
I knew I had to have a shadowy introduction given he's supposed to be 'toxic' and what not. :P And the branding section had almost a wailing sound to it, I knew I had to use that scene there. Poor dear.
And I've liked this song since they used it in Dr. Who. I know... wtf, right? But somehow that legitimized it as a song of the times. lol Thank you ever so much for the well detailed and kind notes. And for letting me be part of this challenge!
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