Title: Toxic - A Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles video
Song: Toxic by Britney Spears
Size: 43.5 mb zipped (wmv format)
Notes: This is pure and simple mocking. It stemmed from a challenge to vid Justin Timberlake's SexyBack, two gloriously successful vids can be found
here and
here. I, of course, failed miserably and fell back to Plan B... JT'
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Britney, JT, BAG... I feel like we're regressing to the 90's!!
We're on to you, missy! We *know* there *is* something to see here and these *are* indeed the droids cylons T-888's we are looking for, no matter what you say!
*nods emphatically*
*runs & hides*
For thee, my friend, for thee.
Okay, got back late last night to a crap day back at the office. Anyway, YAYS!
I giggled throughout. I think that that is now, officially, the most screen time Sayles has ever gotten in a vid. He's most happy.
The kitten poster!
Sayles running with guns is hot. Plus, I totally caught a glimpse of him during the first "I'm addicted to you," yep.
*Sayles and I both nod approvingly*
Plus the police manhandling Derek in slow mo!
*I nod approvingly, while Sayles shoots me a death glare*
And finally, finally, poor, sweet frightened Sayles all shackled to the floor and wanting someone to comfort him.
*raises hand*
*Sayles grins, even though he's still mad at me*
Yays! So much to likey!
*holds breath, hits send*
*yells at Sayles for screwing with her icons--again*
Plus the police manhandling Derek in slow mo!
I know, I just adored that part! It was all, spank him, he's being a bad boy! Um, wait, wha... did I go to a scary place there for a second?
Now off with you, you need to give sweet frightened Sayles some comforting quality time while I reset the lock on my scary place.
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