
Mar 19, 2007 23:03

Title: Uncaring
Author: Un_derscores (aka Sarah)
Pairing: House/Wilson
Rating: PG-13 for moderate language and drug/alcohol use
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Takes place a few days after the fight; Wilson is oddly fine, and House is falling apart. Read with Undone.
Disclaimer: These things just add insult to injury.
AN: All right, there's only one more chapter to go, and then I'm done with the series. I know you all wanted a happy ending sooner, but it just seemed right to me to have them a few days after the fight.
Beta by principessahope

x-posted in: housefic house_heavenhouse_wilson
house_slash house_everyone




Everyone in the hospital knew after about 2 days, even the janitors and night shift staff who didn't know the two, but that was expected. Cuddy had given him dirty looks, the kind that sent a chill down his spine, and stopped to tell him he was an ass and he should go to hell and stay there, but it really didn't bother him.

He went about his days as normal, doing paperwork and seeing patients, not feeling as guilty as everyone else thought he should be. He did avoid some people, like House's fellows and Cuddy, just so he could be spared of their badgering him about what happened. He had gotten himself a hotel room, the same hotel he had stayed at 5 years ago when Julie had kicked him out, and had gotten most of his stuff out of House's apartment and had it either in storage or in the room. It felt different, but not wrong.

After 4 days House still hadn't shown up for work, and Cuddy's, and any one in hospital who was taking his side's stares got meaner. Finally, he asked a nurse who told him that she had heard from a doctor in OR who had heard it from someone who heard it from Cameron that House had slipped into depression. He felt a pang of guilt for a few seconds but then it vanished as he thought sarcastically, 'House. Depressed. Who would've thought?' House had always been depressed, and it had always been his problem, but now, he was free of it.

The only problem he had had with all of this was sleeping. That was the only time he missed him now. It wasn't really missing, more of just not liking change or at least what he told himself. There was no one there when he laid down, no one to say good night to, no one to say 'I love you' to, and no one who loved him. That was the only thing bothering him.

Otherwise, he was fine.

The day after Wilson left he called Cuddy and said that he wouldn't be able to come to work for the next few days. When she asked why, he said 'Jimmy left.' and hung up. It was all he could manage to say on the subject.

She must have told some people because Cameron showed up. Just as she started her 'You can talk to me' speech, he told her to go and said that the only person he wanted to talk to was Jimmy but, since that wasn't going to happen, she should just leave. Cuddy had come by saying she wanted to make sure he was going to have enough vicodin, which he found an odd excuse, especially for her, but didn't say anything about it. He knew that she wanted to make sure he was alive. She left him alone after she gave him another script.

He knew they meant well but, he just didn't care. He knew they thought that it was best that he wasn't alone and that he wasn't wallowing, or that he left the apartment but, it really wasn't. He needed to be able to go over 4 hours without wanting to die before going back out into the world.

He would spend most of the day in bed or on the couch, getting up only for beer, some other alcohol, or vicodin. Those were the only things that made the day seem a bit more bareable. He knew it was bad, that he could easily kill himself doing it, but he had gotten so apathetic it just didn't faze him.

All he wanted was for Wilson to come back. He had tried calling him, but he would let it ring once and then hang up because he would feel like crying. He knew it would be no use anyway, because when Wilson was angry, he stayed angry.

He got up off the couch and walked toward the kitchen, but in his drunken state, walked into the table, and caused something to fall. As he picked it up he realized that it was Wilson favorite pen.

He had gotten it from his father when he graduated med school and had coveted it ever since; it was proof that his father was proud of him, something he never showed. It was a Tiffany's pen, long and silver, with a caduceus on the clip. He had lost it once, and they had set out on a three hour search, only to find it under a magazine in their bedroom.

House tried not to cry again, but he just couldn't help it. He grabbed his vicodin out of his pocket and took two, and grabbed a beer out of the fridge and sat back down on the couch. He out in his hand out and cried for the fifth time that day.

The past four years of his life had been with Wilson, and now that was all gone.


Alright, just one more chapter to go! It's already written, well, actually, I have two versions, and I won’t know which one I'm going with until 30 seconds before I post it.

I really have to thank everyone who's kept reading. You all make me smile.

As always, all of my other fics on linked to in the right hand column of my profile, and feel free to add me.

house/wilson, uncaring, fanfic

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