
Mar 17, 2007 22:21

Title: Undone
Author: Un_derscores (aka Sarah)
Pairing: House/Wilson
Rating: Heavy PG-13 for drug/alcohol use and language
Spoilers: None.
Summary: House and Wilson get into a big fight
Disclaimer: Blah bablah bablah. Gah. Aware of the fact.
AN: 3rd part of my current WIP. As with most of my stuff, it can be read as a stand alone, but will make alot more sense when read with all the others. A special thanks to my f-list, or being the amazing people they are. =]]
beta by principessahope

x-posted in: housefic house_heavenhouse_wilson
house_slash house_everyone



House tried to hold on to sleep as much as he could. He tried to keep his eyes closed, hoping to block out the truth that would become all too apparent once they were opened. But eventually he did and it hit him like a tidal wave that he couldn't outrun. Wilson had left.

They had fought the night before. It started as one of those stupid little fights but had turned into a screaming match. They shot insults and below the belt jabs, picked apart every single flaw the other had, and then Wilson said that he just couldn't stand "it" anymore, packed a bag and walked out. House had called after him, begging for him to stay, apologies falling from his lips, hoping that by some grace of God he would stay. But he didn’t. Right before he walked out the door he had looked over his shoulder, caught House's eyes to make sure he was watching him, and then slammed the door.

He had just stood there for a little while in complete shock at what had just happened. Then he started to cry. Greg House didn't cry often, wouldn't allow himself to, but, at that moment in time, nothing he could have done would have made him stop.

He grabbed a bottle of whiskey and his vicodin and sat down on the couch and took two of the pills and a big sip of the whiskey and waited. Waited for the pills and the alcohol to mix in his system and make him feel somewhat better or, at least, make him pass out. House had got himself to stop crying a few times, but then he would think about what happened, and would breakdown again. At some point he went into his bedroom, got into bed and cried himself to sleep.

So here he was. And here Jimmy wasn't. Just the thought of that made him want to die.

Everyone left him. All of the friends he ever had, anyone he carried about, and now Jimmy. There was no one on his side of the bed, there was no one to suffer through bad TV with, no one to say 'I love you' to. There was no one.

After 4 years he was alone again, and he had known that it would happen all along.


Jimmy was sitting in his office, and had been since he had walked out. He really had no place else to go.

Maybe he had been an ass, but he just couldn't take it anymore. He just couldn't take House and the charade they had been putting on.

He wasn't sure how he should feel; he felt bad because he had left House, and he was mad at him because of the fight, but he wasn't as upset as he should've been after walking out on the love of his life. He was actually kind of proud of himself.

Wilson knew that House would avoid work and him for as long as he could, and he honestly didn't mind right now. He was pissed at all of the things he had said to him, and all of the shit he had put him through in the past few years.

He didn't want to see him for a little while, or maybe a long while. He wasn't quite sure yet.

Don't worry. There's going to be another part. I promise.
Whadcha think? Please tell me. It makes me happy.
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Do me a favor? leave me a word or two that starts with UN. I want to keep it up for the whole series. Thanks.


house/wilson, undone, fanfic

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