Furuba vol. 20 [Tokyopop edition]

Jul 04, 2008 21:03

Fruits Basket vol. 20, Tokyopop edition. Translation by Alethea & Athena Nibley, English adaptation by Lianne Sentar.

Chapter 114 (Aug. 2005: original reaction to the chapter--no point in repeating myself)

Rin-as-artist continues to make me very happy. ^_^ And Tohru snags the sketchpad like she thinks Rin's going to torch it or something.

Huh--interesting translation difference in Rin and Tohru's conversation about their fight in ch. 108 and Tohru's decision to stay away for a while. Shadow's translation has Rin saying, "You didn't want to get asked a lot about Kyo so you didn't come, is that it?" and the Tokyopop version says, "I thought you didn't come because you don't like people attacking him."

The scene with Rin and Kagura is still my favorite moment between them in the entire series (see original post). I love that Kagura instantly calms down and apologizes as soon as Rin freaks out; that combined with the way they act together at the end of the chapter (which is the most sisterly scene they have) really underscores how long they've lived together. They're not exactly close, but the years of proximity have obviously given them some real understanding of each other.

Chapter 115

Hmm. When the maids are talking about Ren, and about how none of the 12shi are showing enough concern for Akito, Shadow's translation says, "...They have to be stronger. Akito as well as the 12shi", and the Tokyopop version is "We need Akito-san and the zodiac to pull things together." Which could be read as "we need them to get their act together", but it also sounds a bit like "we need them to keep things going/keep things in balance [something like that]".

The timeline on what happened to Rin in vol. 18 is probably always going to puzzle me a little, because all the signs are that she was locked up for quite a while (I tried to find old comment threads where we hashed this out, but couldn't), but then in this chapter Shigure refers to it having been "the other day" when Ren sent her after the box. Which doesn't actually make any sense, as far as I can tell--Rin's already been out of the Cat's room for a while at this point. It's June or July now.

Dear Ren: you are a psycho, and I hope you fall in a hole and die. Everyone's lives will be infinitely improved.

Dear Shigure: don't encourage her. Ugh.

And Kureno comes back to one of the refrains of the series: "Who? Who was at fault? What was at fault? What really went wrong?" It's called the sins of the parents, Kureno. And it's an imperfect answer, because every parent has parents of their own.

Interesting difference: Shadow's translation has Momiji saying that the end comes easily, while the Tokyopop version says it's coming fast.

Chapter 116

Ohh, Momiji. ;_; The way he's standing when Kyo finds him breaks my heart. And I'd forgotten that he tells Kyo, even if he does immediately pass it off as a joke. Their minds really won't quite wrap around the idea that the curse is breakable, I think. Other than Shigure, I don't think any of them ever independently has it cross their mind that that could be why one of the others suddenly feels different. Even Rin, hunting for a way to make it happen, can say things like "[Kureno] just doesn't feel like one of us" without batting an eye. Not that she's the most intuitive creature ever, but still.

Akito can still hurt him, and still knows all the "right" (most hurtful) things to say, but it just doesn't work anymore. It probably hits her from all sides--he won't stay, he won't cower, and he sees her.

Chapter 117 (Oct. 2005: original reaction to the chapter)

Ren tells her daughter that they don't need her anymore. That's got quite the legacy--Ren says it to Akito, who says it to Rin, who says it to Haru, all of them passing on the most hurtful thing they can think of to say, whatever their motivations are for saying it.

Chapter 118

I still wonder if Akito would've gone through with it if Hiro hadn't been freed at that moment, and whether her mental state had any influence on it happening right then.

Satsuki is awesome in all kinds of ways. She immediately gets Hiro's feelings, to a pretty remarkable degree.

"No one ever gave me any other way to live!" It's true, and it doesn't make anything okay, but...it's true. Oh, what a mess. :/ And I know she had to hit bottom for anything to really change for her, but I still can't quite believe she stabbed Kureno. ;_;

Chapter 119 (Nov. 2005: original reaction to the chapter, mostly about 12shi instinct and reflexes)

I'm making my ritual sad face that they went with "Do you like me?" instead of "Do you love me?" (General "they"--could've happened anywhere down the line.) It is equally valid, just...not what I would've gone with.

And Kyo, usually as intuitive as a brick, reads the answer straight off her face. I don't quite understand why he's buying into Tohru's own belief that by loving him, she's somehow betraying her love of her mother. :/ I understand why Tohru herself is so neurotic and desperate about it, but it's not as if they're talking about an old romantic relationship. Last I checked, it was more commonly assumed that familial love and romantic love can co-exist perfectly well. O_o

Kyoko and Kyo! *dead from cute*

"If you didn't have someone to hate, you wouldn't know what to do with yourself, would you?" Pretty similar to what Shigure said to him once, IIRC. And also interesting because it mirrors the Cat's function--he's the one the others need to hate (/pity/look down on) in order to make their lives bearable.

fruits basket: tokyopop's release

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