So this weekend was quite a failure. Last weekend was so amazingly good and productive, and I forgot how much harder it is to achieve that with parents around. And algebraic topology homework is easy but a real pain to write up. And, it wasn't even just nastiness with drawing pictures; there was one part that was essentially a pointset topology argument that was intuitively clear but was quite tedious write out in words. Plus, I feel odd using (without proof) results that are in the book and that I've seen before and could easily include the proofs of but which I don't know whether we'll have covered in class yet by the time the homework is due.
Some quotes:
Playing Strange Synergy:
"I need as many senses of the word as possible."
Two grad students:
"I like formal power series."
"I like informal power series. I like my power series without ties."
Mint Jelly:
"Just throw that car in the back seat."
"[Angels are] formerly dead people flying around with wings."
convexbaka, on Sesame and others:
"They have real English names?"
And, a FLMPotD:
An arc in a topological space is defined to be a homeomorphic copy of the unit interval; a space is arc-connected if any two distinct points are connected by an arc. Prove that a Hausdorff space is arc-connected iff it's path-connected.
(Note: The proof shows that in general, any two points in a path-connected space are connected by an injective path.)